What to do when there are no namespaces in C?

What to do when there are no namespaces in C?

The common workaround to C’s lack of namespaces is to use a standard name prefix for each module. The prefix indicates the app, library or module the name belongs to. For example, in Subversion you have names like svn_fs_initialize — this indicates that the function belongs to the svn_fs library.

How to call a function in a namespace?

So, calling a function in a namespace requires looking up the function in the struct, including applying its offset, and calling it via a register. At optimisation level 1 and higher, this becomes: In practice (with this compiler), the local namespace and the external namespace call compiled to the same instructions.

Is there a better way to express nested namespaces in C + +?

C++ namespaces are used to group interfaces, not to divide components or express political division. The standard goes out of its way to forbid Java-like use of namespaces. For example, namespace aliases provide a way to easily use deeply-nested or long namespace names. namespace a { namespace b { namespace c {} } } namespace nsc = a::b::c;

How to use mangled namespaces in C stack overflow?

Add the NSPREPENDER macro function to each c function so that it can be name mangled. Write code using mangled names since the name will be properly mangled by the time the compiler see it. This code was tested with clang. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!

Which is the first name in a namespace?

On the project we are trying to reach an agreement on the namespace usage. We decided that the first level will be “productName” and the second is “moduleName”. Now if the module is kind of utility module there is no problem to add third namespace.

When to use link level namespace in C?

And any identifier that must be shared between two compilation units is necessarily shared between them all: when you “extern” an identifier, you are using the link-level namespace. The common workaround to C’s lack of namespaces is to use a standard name prefix for each module.

How are namespaces used in Java and C + +?

Using namespace. Namespaces are used at the very least to help avoid name collision. In Java, this is enforced through the “org.domain” idiom (because it is supposed one won’t use anything else than his/her own domain name). In C++, you could give a namespace to all the code in your module.