Does bootstrap use BEM methodology?

Does bootstrap use BEM methodology?

Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. Spotify, Twitter, and Lyft are some of the popular companies that use Bootstrap, whereas BEM is used by PointsHound, Sainsburys, and Viva Decora.

What is BEM and Smacss?

Since OOCSS is an abstract coding methodology, BEM is a concrete application of OOCSS, and SMACSS is an OOCSS-focused organizational structure, they actually play together very nicely–especially when you throw Sass into the mix.

Is bootstrap an OOCSS?

When looking at Bootstrap from a theoretical point of view we conclude that Bootstrap is a object-oriented CSS framework. As with any object-based coding method, the purpose of OOCSS is to encourage code re-use and, ultimately, faster and more efficient stylesheets that are easier to extend and maintain.

What is SMACSS?

SMACSS is a way to examine your design process and as a way to fit those rigid frameworks into a flexible thought process. It is an attempt to document a consistent approach to site development when using CSS.

What architecture does bootstrap use?

Bootstrap is built using two different components: the logic layer and the view layer, which are explained below. We can summarize Bootstrap’s architecture as a view-view-controller architecture.

What are bootstrap Mixins?

@mixin make-*-column() One of the mixins allows you to define the size of column you want to use while the others allow you to push, pull, and offset columns. If you are familiar with Bootstrap (or any grid system), the grid system is based on rows that contain columns.

Is BEM dead?

Bem died, Bela blends in with the humans, while Belo is now with 2-3 new members to fight more crazy mad scientist that are corrupt and other monsters that are like them that up to no good.

How do you write bem?

BEM names intentionally use double underscores and double hyphens instead of single to separate Block-Element-Modifier. The reason is so that single hyphens can be used as word separators. Class names should be very readable, so abbreviation isn’t always desirable unless the abbreviations are universally recognizable.

Is CSS object oriented?

CSS isn’t object oriented.

Which is better to use Bem or SMACSS?

CSS methodologies can be mind bogglingly confusing and tough to decide upon. Let’s consider two of the most well known options: BEM and SMACSS. Should you choose one of these for your next project? What are they best suited for? What might go wrong? If you’re already working with one – are you using it as intended? To the fullest potential?

What do you need to know about bootstrap methodology?

Bootstrap is a free set of ready-made blocks for creating sites and web applications. BEM is a methodology that allows you to: Create the architecture for your project. Develop web applications based on independent blocks. Facilitate project support. There are also a number of open source libraries:

What do you need to know about SMACSS framework?

SMACSS is a CSS framework by Jonathan Snook. On the SMACSS website, he says it is more like a “style guide” than a rigid CSS framework. It focuses on five categories for its rules: Base is used for defaults like html, body, a, a:hover.

What do you need to know about Bem methodology?

BEM is a methodology that allows you to: Create the architecture for your project. Develop web applications based on independent blocks. Facilitate project support. There are also a number of open source libraries: bem-components – A block library of form controls and other basic components for web interfaces.