What is the best approach for working with classes and namespaces in PHP?

What is the best approach for working with classes and namespaces in PHP?

To address this problem, namespaces were introduced in PHP as of PHP 5.3. The best way to understand namespaces is by analogy to the directory structure concept in a filesystem. The directory which is used to group related files serves the purpose of a namespace.

Should I use namespaces in PHP?

1 Answer. The main objective of namespaces is to prevent name collisions, more over they are used to group classes, methods. As you mentioned there are a lot of classes within a Laravel project so namespaces would have to be used to prevent collisions which will happen in big projects.

What is the default namespace in PHP?

How are Namespaces Defined? By default, all constant, class and function names are placed in a global space — like they were before namespaces were supported. Namespaced code is defined using a single namespace keyword at the top of your PHP file.

What is __ namespace __ in PHP?

In PHP, namespace keyword is used to define a namespace. It is also used as an operator to request access to certain element in current namespace. The __NAMESPACE__ constant returns name of current namespace.

How do PHP namespaces work?

How PHP Namespaces Work. In short, a namespaces in PHP is placed at the top of a file, and designates that all the code in that file will be placed in a namespace. As we’ll go into in a bit more detail, this namespaces affects classes, interfaces, functions, and constants. It does no affect variables.

Why are namespaces only referenced in lib1.php?

Although we include both lib1.php and lib2.php, the identifiers MYCONST, MyFunction, and MyClass will only reference code in lib1.php. This occurs because the myapp1.php code is within the same AppLib1 namespace: Namespaces can be imported with the use operator, e.g.

How to use a PHP library with namespacing without composer?

It depends on the standard for autoloading and how the class names of the libraries are named. Sometimes you have to split the classname on _ and use the first element for the direcotry name and add this also to the class name. I had for example a second library with a class like Library_Parser but the structure was Library/library-parser.php.

How are some names promoted to the root namespace?

Some names are “promoted” to the root namespace: All definitions are in namespace ::boost::tuples, but the most common names are lifted to namespace ::boost with using declarations. These names are: tuple, make_tuple, tie and get.

When to use fully qualified namespaces in PHP?

Fully-qualified names are useful for one-off function calls or object initialization. However, they can become impractical when you are making lots of calls. As we will discover below, PHP offers other options to save us from namespace typing cramps. An identifier with at least one namespace separator, e.g. Lib1MyFunction ().