What is OOP Alan Kay?

What is OOP Alan Kay?

In a 2003 email exchange, Alan Kay clarified what he meant when he called Smalltalk “object-oriented”: “OOP to me means only messaging, local retention and protection and hiding of state-process, and extreme late-binding of all things.”

Which language has the best OOP?

Object-Oriented Programming 2020 -Top 5 Object-Oriented Programming Languages

  • JAVA. Java is much more than just a high-level programming language that is widely known for enterprise-grade application development and is the most demanded object-oriented programming language.
  • C++
  • RUBY.

Is Oops outdated?

OOP is not outdated. OOP’s golden age is yet to come, when people finally understand what it is about what it is not about (e.g. solving every possible problem by using the keyword class 500 times).

What is the first OOP language?

Used for simulating system behavior in the late 1960s, SIMULA was the first object-oriented language. In the 1970s, Xerox’s Smalltalk was the first object-oriented programming language, which was used to create the graphical user interface (see Xerox Star). ACTOR and Eiffel were also earlier OOP languages.

Is C++ the first OOP language?

Many people believe that OOP is a product of the 1980s and the work done by Bjarne Stroustrup in moving the C language into the object-oriented world by creating the C++ language. Actually, SIMULA 1 (1962) and Simula 67 (1967) are the two earliest object-oriented languages.

Who is Alan Kay and what is object oriented programming?

Dr. Alan Kay was so kind as to answer my questions about the term “object-oriented programming”. Sorry for the delay but I was on vacation. > subject. The only two sources I consider to be “authoritative”

What kind of jargon does Alan Kay use?

And programing charlatan thrive on opaque jargon and philosophical concepts thru the ages. although i think OOP (in modern sense, such as Java, python’s OOP), are idiotic to the most extreme. But i also got the feeling that Alan Kay, is also talking voodoo. And his mentioning of math algebra is voodoo.

What did Alan Kay say about math Algebra?

And his mentioning of math algebra is voodoo. Alan Kay’s voodoo, simply got replace by later voodoos. The only good thing in programing, is mathematics. Alan Kay’s “i invented OOP as biological cells passing messages”, is not.

Where can I find dr.alan Kay’s lectures?

(To link to this page, please use the canonical URI ” http://www.purl.org/stefan_ram/pub/doc_kay_oop_en ” only, because any other URI is valid only temporarily.) Dr. Alan Kay was so kind as to answer my questions about the term “object-oriented programming”. Sorry for the delay but I was on vacation.