What is a file assembly?

What is a file assembly?

The assembler is used to convert an assembly file into an object file (. obj extension). The assembly optimizer and the compiler are used to convert, respectively, a linear assembly file and a C file into an object file. The linker is used to combine object files, as instructed by the linker command file (.

What is file handle in assembly?

A file handle is an integer value which is used to address an open file. Such handles are highly operating system specific, but on systems that support the open() call, you create a handle like this: int handle = open( “foo. txt”, OTHER_STUFF_HERE ); You can then use the handle with read/write calls.

How do I create and write to a file in Ruby?

9 Answers

  1. r – Read only. The file must exist.
  2. w – Create an empty file for writing.
  3. a – Append to a file. The file is created if it does not exist.
  4. r+ – Open a file for update both reading and writing.
  5. w+ – Create an empty file for both reading and writing.
  6. a+ – Open a file for reading and appending.

What is the difference between binary file and text file?

Differences between Text and Binary file A text file stores data in the form of alphabets, digits and other special symbols by storing their ASCII values and are in a human readable format. Whereas, a binary file contains a sequence or a collection of bytes which are not in a human readable format.

How do I open a Rails file?

“rails File. open” Code Answer’s

  1. # open and write to a file with ruby.
  2. open(‘myfile.out’, ‘w’) do |f|
  3. f. puts “Hello, world.”
  4. end.
  5. # an alternative approach:
  6. open(‘myfile.out’, ‘w’) do |f|
  7. f << “Hello, world.\n”

What is the syntax of assembly language?

Syntax of Assembly Language Statements A basic instruction has two parts, the first one is the name of the instruction (or the mnemonic), which is to be executed, and the second are the operands or the parameters of the command.

How to read and write files in Assembly?

Among the file access modes, most commonly used are: read-only (0), write-only (1), and read-write (2). Put the system call sys_read () number 3, in the EAX register. Put the file descriptor in the EBX register. Put the pointer to the input buffer in the ECX register.

Where do I put SYS _ write ( 4 ) in Assembly?

Put the system call sys_write () number 4, in the EAX register. Put the file descriptor in the EBX register. Put the pointer to the output buffer in the ECX register. Put the buffer size, i.e., the number of bytes to write, in the EDX register.

Where do I put the file descriptor in Assembly?

Put the file descriptor in the EBX register. Put the pointer to the input buffer in the ECX register. Put the buffer size, i.e., the number of bytes to read, in the EDX register. The system call returns the number of bytes read in the EAX register, in case of error, the error code is in the EAX register.

Where do I put the buffer size in Assembly?

Put the pointer to the output buffer in the ECX register. Put the buffer size, i.e., the number of bytes to write, in the EDX register. The system call returns the actual number of bytes written in the EAX register, in case of error, the error code is in the EAX register.