How do you review a code in Python?

How do you review a code in Python?

10 tips to guide you toward effective peer code review

  1. Review fewer than 400 lines of code at a time.
  2. Take your time.
  3. Do not review for more than 60 minutes at a time.
  4. Set goals and capture metrics.
  5. Authors should annotate source code before the review.
  6. Use checklists.
  7. Establish a process for fixing defects found.

How do I request a review in TFS?

On VS 2015, Go to Team Explorer Home > Click on Work Items > Select New Query > Select “Reviewed By” in the Field column and add the related username in the Value field and run the query. You will see all the Code reviews you have been a part.

How do I request a code review in Visual Studio?

So, let’s create a regular code review:

  1. In Visual Studio, click the Code Review Board button on the Review Assistant toolbar.
  2. Click the Create Regular Review button.
  3. In the opened window, click Add Revisions to select a revision. Enter a review title, select a reviewer and add comments.
  4. Click Create.

How do I create a code review in TFS?

Adding Code Review Policy to TFS Project

  1. Open Team Explorer.
  2. On the Team Explorer toolbar, click Home and then click Settings.
  3. In Settings, click Source Control under the Team Project section.
  4. The Source Control Settings dialog box appears.
  5. In the Check-in Policy list, select the policy type you want, and then click OK.

Which is the best tool to check Python code quality?

PEP8 is a great starting point for Python. Linters will help you identify problem areas and inconsistencies. You can use linters throughout the development process, even automating them to flag lint-filled code before it gets too far. Having linters complain about style also avoids the need for style discussions during code reviews.

Why is Python code so easy to read?

Fortunately, the Python community is blessed with a relatively simple and complete set of code style guidelines and “Pythonic” idioms. These are one of the key reasons for the high readability of Pythonic code. Readability and simplistic syntax is at the heart of Python.

Which is the best coding standard for Python?

As far as Python goes, there is a well-accepted standard. It was written, in part, by the author of the Python programming language itself. PEP 8 provides coding conventions for Python code. It is fairly common for Python code to follow this style guide.

Who is responsible for making sense of Python code?

The person who wrote the original code is gone. The person who has replaced them now has to make sense of the code that’s already there. That person is you. If the code is easy to comprehend, you’ll be able to analyze the problem and come up with a solution much quicker.