How to Ray cast through objects in Unity?

How to Ray cast through objects in Unity?

You set up a rule for the layer with your ray on, and the layer with box 1 on, so they both are in the collision matrix, box2 will be ignored. If box nr1. are in a different layer then box 2, you can setup your ray so only box1 gets hit, no matter if it stays in-front or not, you do this in the physics sections.

What happens if you hit an object with raycast?

You should be destroying it directly, which means if it’s destroying itself, it’s hitting itself most likely. Click to expand… I am casting the ray from the main camera, so that is not an issue. I’ve done a debug run, and the length of the ray indicates that it hit Tnote_Prototype, but it still returns hit.collider.gameObject as Cube.

How to cast a ray against all colliders?

Casts a ray against all colliders in the Scene and returns detailed information on what was hit. This example reports the distance between the current object and the reported Collider: This example re-introduces the maxDistance parameter to limit how far ahead to cast the Ray: The starting point and direction of the ray.

How is the maxdistance parameter used in raycast?

This example re-introduces the maxDistance parameter to limit how far ahead to cast the Ray: The starting point and direction of the ray. The max distance the ray should check for collisions.

Can you block raycasting to a specific object?

The last answer doesn’t take into account that things can actually block the raycast from even reaching your desired object. You must first give the object you want to detect a custom layer.

How long does a raycast stay visible in Unity?

Declare a private WaitForSeconds variable called shotDuration and initialize it using a new WaitForSeconds object which will have a duration of .07 seconds. We will use this variable shotDuration to determine how long we want the laser to remain visible in the game view once the player has fired.

What does it mean to cast Ray from one object to another?

If you read the description of linecast it says it looks to see if a line going from the one object to the other intersects anything else in between.