How to calculate number of random effects in lmer?
(1 + year | ID0) specify a random intercept and a random slope, both grouped by ID0. See the cheat sheet for an explanation of the syntax. 15 unique IDs times (intercept + slope) gives 30 random effects. You don’t have sufficient observations to support the model.
Which is correct number of observations or number of random effects?
Error: number of observations (=3948) <= number of random effects (=4496) for term (1 + time | id); the random-effects parameters and the residual variance (or scale parameter) are probably unidentifiable
How many missing values in the lmer error?
I have three time points but not all subjects have data for all 3 time points (attrition) but my missing count on my outcome variable (efficacy) only had 13 missing values and I have a total number of 3961 participants in my entire data set. If anyone can shed some light on this or point me in the right direction I’d much appreciate it.
Which is a multilevel expression of the lmer model?
LMER as Multilevel Model Multilevel expression of LMER model explicitly separates the between-subject and within-subject variation Level 1 model: Within-subjects aspects of model Level 2 model: Between-subjects aspects of model
Is the lme4 package the same as cross validated?
This is a common error when using the lme4 package, and there are a number of questions about it on cross validated and elsewhere. The same error happens in different contexts. Here is a minimal example that illustrates my case.
Do you have one observation for every value of meanflow?
You also have one observation for every value of meanflow; this is because meanflow is a continuous variable, which is not usually something you want to use as a grouping variable in the model. I’m not sure what you’re trying to capture with this term.
When does no.random effects > = no.observations?
> lmer_10b <- lmer (Stage_Decomp~Temperature+Cover+PlantRich+PC1_1 + + PC2_1+Season+ (1|Season:Plot), + data=data) Error in (function (fr, FL, start, REML, verbose) : Number of levels of a grouping factor for the random effects must be less than the number of observations lmer_10a is also not defined.
What should the number of random effects be?
I can’t see anything wrong. The number of random effects should be 15, not 30. My grouping parameter is ID0, which is nominal, and there are twice as many observations as there are unique ID0 ‘s. Here is some data that I’m using.
How to run a mixed effects model in R?
I want to run a linear mixed effects model with nested and random effects using lmer in R, but continue getting errors. Two questions: what is causing the errors and how can I fix my model to run the appropriate analyses?
Why do I have zeros in my mixed effect model?
It also runs if I don’t nest Accession within Species, but still include Site and Accession as random effects. I do have some zeros in my data set because some of the plant died. I added data to determine whether the zeros were causing the issue, but continued to get errors.