How to detect objects pass through each other in Unity3D?

How to detect objects pass through each other in Unity3D?

Continuous Dynamic: Use continuous collision detection against objects set to Continuous and Continuous Dynamic Collision. It will also use continuous collision detection against static MeshColliders (without a rigidbody). For all other colliders it uses discreet collision detection. Used for fast moving objects.

What are the necessary settings to prevent objects passing?

In one frame of the swing, the sword has not yet collided with the other sword, but in the next frame, it is already past the sword. Though there are continuous kinematic rigidbody trigger colliders on both swords, I imagine this does very little if the movement of the swords is through an animation instead of the physics engine.

Why is collision detection not working in Unity?

Missing RigidBody (the most common). At least one of the GameObjects involved needs to have a RigidBody. (check if at least one of them have a RigidBody attached and, if you are using OnCollisionEnter, does not have the “Is Kinematic” checked). See the below collision matrix for more information.

What happens when a collision between two gameobjects?

That way, the collision between them will not alter anything in the remaining GameObject (like direction/velocity/etc). To do that, check the Is Trigger in the Collider and use OnTriggerEnter instead of OnCollisionEnter.

How are two objects with rigidbody can pass through?

Have your player game object have two children objects (one that you could call GroundCollider, on the you could call PlayerCollider) On the first one, add a collider with onTrigger unchecked. On the second one, add a collider with onTrigger checked

Why does a ball jump out of a collider?

One of your colliders might have the IsTrigger-checkbox ticked, which is causing the ball to jump out. But I think it’s more likely to be that the rigidbody isn’t checking for collisions often enough so that when you rotate quickly it clips out. In your Sphere’s rigidbody.

How to make two objects not interact in Unity?

At the bottom is “edit layers” where you can name and define new layers (up to 32 total). Go to Edit -> Project Settings -> Physics and change the physics collision mask so that the two layers you assigned your two objects are set to not interact: