How to write Bayesian multiple regression for logistic regression?
In general, one writes μi = β0 + β1xi, 1 + β2xi, 2 + ⋯ + βrxi, r, where xi = (xi, 1, xi, 2, ⋯, xi, r) is a vector of r known predictors for observation i, and β = (β0, β1, ⋯, βr) is a vector of unknown regression parameters (coefficients), shared among all observations.
How to calculate the deviance of a logistic regression model?
You can compare the deviance of your logistic regression model with that of a reference/null model with no independent variables (including only the intercept). This reference model is the one that predicts the average of the outcome Y for all observations.
How are Pearson residuals used in logistic regression?
Similar techniques have been developed for logistic regression. Pearson residuals and its standardized version is one type of residual. Pearson residuals are defined to be the standardized difference between the observed frequency and the predicted frequency. They measure the relative deviations between the observed and fitted values.
What are the diagnostic statistics in logistic regression?
So far, we have seen the basic three diagnostic statistics: the Pearson residual, the deviance residual and the leverage (the hat value). They are the basic building blocks in logistic regression diagnostics. There are other diagnostic statistics that are used for different purposes.
What are Bayesian generalized linear models and an appropriate default prior?
Bayesian generalized linear models and an appropriate default prior Andrew Gelman, Aleks Jakulin, Maria Grazia Pittau, and Yu-Sung Su Columbia University 14 August 2008 Gelman, Jakulin, Pittau, Su Bayesian generalized linear models and an appropriate default prior
Which is the best ibayesian logistic regression algorithm?
IBayesian logistic regression IIn the arm (Applied Regression and Multilevel modeling) package IReplaces glm(), estimates are more numerically and computationally stable IStudent-t prior distributions for regression coefs IUse EM-like algorithm
What is the slope parameter in Bayesian multiple regression?
In particular, the slope parameter β1β1 is interpreted as the change in the expected response μi μi, when the predictor xixi of record ii increases by a single unit.