What type of naive Bayes classifier is best suited for document classification problem?

What type of naive Bayes classifier is best suited for document classification problem?

Multinomial Naive Bayes: This is mostly used for document classification problem, i.e whether a document belongs to the category of sports, politics, technology etc. The features/predictors used by the classifier are the frequency of the words present in the document.

Why did Naive Bayes fail?

Disadvantages of Naive Bayes The main limitation of Naive Bayes is the assumption of independent predictor features. Naive Bayes implicitly assumes that all the attributes are mutually independent. In real life, it’s almost impossible that we get a set of predictors that are completely independent or one another.

How accurate is Naive Bayes?

5 is 81.91%, for Naive-Bayes it is 81.69%, and for NBTree it is 84.47%. Absolute differences do not tell the whole story be- cause the accuracies may be close to 100% in some cases. Increasing the accuracy of medical diagnosis from 98% to 99% may cut costs by half because the number of errors is halved.

When to use naive Bayes classifier?

Naive Bayes classifier is successfully used in various applications such as spam filtering, text classification, sentiment analysis, and recommender systems. It uses Bayes theorem of probability for prediction of unknown class.

Why is naive Bayesian classification called naive?

Naive Bayesian classification is called naive because it assumes class conditional independence. That is, the effect of an attribute value on a given class is independent of the values of the other attributes.

What is “naive” in a naive Bayes classifier?

The first assumption of a Naive Bayes classifier is that the value of a particular feature is independent of the value of any other feature. Which means that the interdependencies within data are comfortably neglected. Hence the name ‘naive.’

What is intuitive explanation of naive Bayes classifier?

Naive Bayes Classifier is a simple model that’s usually used in classification problems. The math behind it is quite easy to understand and the underlying principles are quite intuitive. Yet this model performs surprisingly well on many cases and this model and its variations are used in many problems.