Where do I plug in the sensors on my NXT?
Sensors can be plugged into any input port numbered 1-4. Any wires except the converter wire can be used to connect the sensors. The default settings used for the test programs on the NXT and for many sample programs in the Robot Educator are as follows: Port 1: Touch Sensor Port 2: Sound Sensor Port 3: Light Sensor Port 4: Ultrasonic Sensor
What happens when the battery level is low on NXT?
The battery icon displays the NXT power level. When the battery power is low (below about 10% capacity), the battery icon fl ashes on and off. When the NXT is turned on, the running icon spins. If the running icon stops spinning, the NXT has frozen and you must reset it.
How to install LEGO MINDSTORMS Education NXT software?
Make sure the LEGO MINDSTORMS Education NXT Software is installed before connecting your NXT to your Macintosh. (See the installation instructions on page 45.) Turn on your NXT. Connect the USB cable to the NXT. Connect the USB cable to the Macintosh and you’re ready to go. Make sure the LEGO ® MINDSTORMS Education NXT Software is
How long does it take to charge a NXT transformer?
When you fi rst use the rechargeable battery in the NXT itself, attach the transformer and let the battery and NXT charge together for approximately 20 minutes before starting. You may also need to do this if the rechargeable battery was completely depleted before recharging.
Is it possible to pass the port number to a sensor?
Yes, it is possible to pass the port number as a parameter to a sensor or motor block via data wire. It’s just that it’s manually selected by default. To change this, go to the port of the sensor or motor block, and select the top-most option which has the plug icon on it:
How to change the direction of a NXT car?
Make sure to change both Move blocks to Ports A and C. Set the Duration of each Move block to 2 seconds. The second Move block should have the Direction set to Reverse. Run the program, and observe the behavior of the NXT car. Change the amount of time that your car moves forward and backward.
How to write a program for NXT G?
Attach one motor to Port A and the other motor to Port C. Attach the light sensor to Port 3. Write a program exactly like the one above. Run the program, and observe the behavior of the NXT car when you press the touch sensor. Press the touch sensor again, and observe the behavior of the NXT car.