Is Naive Bayes better than SVM?

Is Naive Bayes better than SVM?

The consensus for ML researchers and practitioners is that in almost all cases, the SVM is better than the Naive Bayes. From a theoretical point of view, it is a little bit hard to compare the two methods. One is probabilistic in nature, while the second one is geometric.

Why Naive Bayes is best for sentiment analysis?

One common use of sentiment analysis is to figure out if a text expresses negative or positive feelings. Written reviews are great datasets for doing sentiment analysis because they often come with a score that can be used to train an algorithm. Naive Bayes is a popular algorithm for classifying text.

How does naive Bayes algorithm work?

Naive Bayes is a kind of classifier which uses the Bayes Theorem. It predicts membership probabilities for each class such as the probability that given record or data point belongs to a particular class. The class with the highest probability is considered as the most likely class.

Can we use Naive Bayes for prediction?

Real time Prediction: Naive Bayes is an eager learning classifier and it is sure fast. Thus, it could be used for making predictions in real time. Multi class Prediction: This algorithm is also well known for multi class prediction feature. Here we can predict the probability of multiple classes of target variable.

Why did logistic regression perform better than SVM?

SVM- should perform well on high dimensional data and will perform well even the there is class imbalance, but failed to show great results. Naive Bayes-I think Naive Bayes did not perform well because of class imbalance. Random forest-decent performance.but did not out perform logistic regression.

What is the benefit of each naive Bayes, logistic regression?

Logistic regression is useful for a few reasons: SVM maximizes the margin between data classes, as can be seen visually below: SVM is useful for a few reasons: SVMs do not penalize correctly-labeled examples, which is often useful for generalization.

What’s the difference between naive Bayes and SVM?

The biggest difference between the models you’re building from a “features” point of view is that Naive Bayes treats them as independent, whereas SVM looks at the interactions between them to a certain degree, as long as you’re using a non-linear kernel (Gaussian, rbf, poly etc.).

Which is better support vector machine or Bayes?

Support Vector Machine (SVM) is better at full-length content. Multinomial Naive Bayes (MNB) is better at snippets. MNB is stronger for snippets than for longer documents.