How do you interpret the p value for an interaction term?
If the p-value is greater than the significance level you selected, the effect is not statistically significant. If the p-value is less than or equal to the significance level you selected, then the effect for the term is statistically significant.
What is the global P value?
The P values based on Z statistics ranged from . 001 to . 49, again with only one significant finding: the global statistic with a value of 2.61. This case is similar to the example provided by Pocock et al.
What is global test?
The global test can be used on a group (or subset) of the covariates, testing whether that group of covariates is associated with the response variable. The null hypothesis of the global test is that none of the covariates in the tested group is associated with the response.
What test statistics is used for a global test of significance?
What test statistic is used for a global test of significance? a. z statistic.
What is a global test of hypothesis?
Global hypothesis tests are a useful tool in the context of clinical trials, genetic studies, or meta-analyses, when researchers are not interested in testing individual hypotheses, but in testing whether none of the hypotheses is false.
How to interpret global test for interaction p-value cross validated?
In your case, i.trt##i.dose estimates the dependent variable y from the main effects and the interaction of treatment and dose. The code testparm i.trt#i.dose may be evaluating only the interaction term without the main effects present in the model.
What does the p value of an interaction term mean?
The p-values just means there IS a statistically significant difference between the groups somewhere, to get at the pairwise differences you would need to run pairwise comparisons. You could do t-tests (correct for family wise error rate with a Bonferroni) or run a Tukey HSD test.
How to interpret global test for interaction only?
I could produce discrepant p-values from a fully parameterized model as compared to an interaction only model using the auto data:
How to interpret the interaction effect in statistics?
The p-values in the output below tell us that the interaction effect (Food*Condiment) is statistically significant. Consequently, we know that the satisfaction you derive from the condiment depends on the type of food. But, how do we interpret the interaction effect and truly understand what the data are saying?