Should empty pages be numbered?

Should empty pages be numbered?

3) There is no need to add numbers to blank pages. It is common for there to be some blank pages within the main body of a book. Since new chapters and sections should begin on the right side of an open book, the page to the immediate left is sometimes blank.

Why do books have empty pages at the end?

Intentionally blank pages placed at the end of books are often used to balance the folios that make up the book (see bookbinding). Often these pages are completely blank with no such statement or are used as “Notes” pages, serving a practical purpose. These pages may list other books available from the same publisher.

Why are there no numbers on Empty Pages?

One of reasons is that even and odd pages remain to respective sides of the book, and if you are on page 51, and you want to get to 55, you flip two pages in the book, and not some nondescript number depending on number of blank pages in between.

Do you put a page number on a blank page?

If you put a page number on the page, there’s no ambiguity: there’s no printing error, so the blank page must be intentional. This also means you can avoid the cumbersome ” this page has intentionally been left blank ” you sometimes see. Example of the use of ‘intentionally left blank’ in an IBM manual.

Are there any blank pages in a book?

These blank pages should be completely blank. They should not have headers, footers or page numbers on them. A common mistake when working in Microsoft Word to format your book is to insert normal page breaks or enter a string of paragraph breaks to create blank pages.

Is it odd if there is no page number?

When it skips the even-numbered page, that page is completely blank: no page number. In my humble opinion, a page with just a page number and no other text looks odd, and I’d avoid it. But on the scale of things, that would be very low on my list of things to worry about.