How is the bibliography displayed in Beamer Stack Exchange?

How is the bibliography displayed in Beamer Stack Exchange?

In Beamer, bibliography is displayed in the way that authors, title and journals are in three lines. Here is an example. Since I have many references, I am wondering, whether we can put them in one line to save some space? Another option is whether we can split the references into several slides?

How to create uniform bullet style in Beamer?

See section 12.1 of the manual of beamer for more information. You can use inner theme constructs to achieve a uniform style. For instance, when I prefer to use square face for items, sections and subsections, I would use the following.

How to cite a slide show with Beamer?

I am writing a slide show with beamer, and I have to cite quite a few times different books and articles from my (huge) bibliography. So, I have a .bib file which I have dragged into the folder where my .tex file is.

Why do I never get a citation in BibTeX?

If you ever see [?] for a citation, it’s because LaTeX didn’t find the number or other text that it needed to refer to the citation. In your case, it’s because you never generated the .bbl file (which contains the bibliography) by running BibTeX.

Why does the bibliography not show in Texmaker?

I’m using TexMaker, and found that the problem was the option ‘Use a “build” subdirectory for output files’, found in the tab ‘Commands’ in the “Configure TexMaker” dialog window. When checked, all the citations appear as question marks, and the bibliography doesn’t show.

Where can I find BibTeX citations on my computer?

However, currently the onliest version that is working is to add the the citations directly to my main file. My external bibtex file is called bibfile.bib and is in the same directory.

Why does the bibliography not appear on my Stack Exchange?

When checked, all the citations appear as question marks, and the bibliography doesn’t show. After I unchecked it, citations started working and the bibliography appeared.