How to change the colour of chapter headings?
You can use the package sectsty to do change the headings, and xcolor to get the colour definitions. For example, add to your preamble (Document –> Settings –> LaTeX preamble) the following: \sepackage {xcolor} \sepackage {sectsty} \\chapterfont {\\color {blue}} % sets colour of chapters \\sectionfont {\\color {cyan}} % sets colour of sections.
When to use beautiful chapter headings in a book?
When creating beautiful chapter headings, be sure to use consistent formatting throughout the book by ensuring your use a similar theme for each chapter heading. Beautiful chapter headings can intrigue readers and give them a visual representation of what’s to come in the chapters ahead.
How to change color on chapter in latex?
You can use the package sectsty to do change the headings, and xcolor to get the colour definitions. For example, add to your preamble (Document –> Settings –> LaTeX preamble) the following: You can use colours predefined in xcolor (see manual), or define your own, e.g. Put such definitions in the preamble as well.
How to make a chapter header look good?
Here are a few ideas for ways you can go about designing a chapter header that’s as great as your manuscript: 1 Use text and a simple divider only. 2 Accompany your text with a small graphic, symbol, or image. 3 Opt for large and intricate artwork that fills the whole page, or even stretches across two pages! More
Is it possible to change the colour of the table of contents?
Also is it possible to change the colour of table of contents to blue ? (again only the heading) You can use the package sectsty to do change the headings, and xcolor to get the colour definitions. For example, add to your preamble (Document –> Settings –> LaTeX preamble) the following:
What’s the best way to colorize a photo?
Use reds, oranges and yellows to colorize an image of kids playing in the leaves in the Fall, or different shades of blue to colorize a cold, wintry landscape photo. Or colorize three of the four sections with the same color and use a different color to highlight one specific section of the photo.
How to change forground color in LyX 2?
If using LyX 2, to change the forground color, you may need to uncheck “Use system colours” in the “Colors” preference pane. For changes to affect equations you should also select “No math” for “Instant Preview” in the “Display” panel.
What’s the color of the text in LyX?
Text is black, Background is white, Markup is lightblue, Math is darkblue and Frames and Buttons are grey. (There is some more color for comments and boxes, but basically thats it.)