How to set column spacing in TeX LaTeX Stack Exchange?

How to set column spacing in TeX LaTeX Stack Exchange?

Use a default tabular environment without package booktabs and add right before and after the environment: and also use column type c instead of l, If you want more horizontal space between the columns then use \\setlength abcolsep { }.

How to set the space between rows in a table?

But this may cause problems when using other tabular packages. Try it and maybe the possible optional arguments are of interest, as minimal distance between tabulkar lines.

How can I reduce the spacing on a table?

To reduce the spacing, you can simply add h as a float specifier for your table environment, that is change the line just before the beginning of the table.

What to do with space between caption and table?

Since the material in the data row can, apparently, contain negative numbers, use an array environment instead of a tabular environment. Doing so will free you from having to type lots of $ symbols in the header row. If you must use a smaller font size, don’t use \\scalebox, as doing so will create very “spindly-looking” output.

When to use variable spacing in Tabto?

If instead of wanting to insert a predetermined amount of spacing within a line, you want to insert variable space that reaches the next predefined tab stop to automatically align across lines like a traditional text editor tab, you may use \\NumTabs {⟨number⟩} and ab from the tabto package as so:

What does tabulary do in TeX LaTeX Stack Exchange?

Here is a description of tabulary usage, taken from the UK TeX FAQ entry on Fixed-width tables: The tabulary package provides a way of “balancing” the space taken by the columns of a table.

Are there horizontal padding for columns in TeX LaTeX?

Similar approach to horizontal padding of columns exist. The use of tabularx or tabulary might be considered factor-based, as well as using \\extracolsep {\\fill}. However, these all pertain to fixed-width tables, with the first being addressed in @cmhughes’ answer.