Can a string be converted to an array in Bash?

Can a string be converted to an array in Bash?

The shell would perform word splitting on spaces unless you quote the string. I am in an unfortunate position where I have a long-standing shell script that is upgrading from internally using scalar variables to using arrays. But, users are also allowed to set those variables themselves, optionally, with a file that is sourced on startup.

How to add / remove an element to the array in Bash?

Side-redirect to How to add/remove an element to the array in bash?. This will first get rid of all () and [] from the input data that is arriving on standard input using tr, and then it will replace the commas with newlines and assign the result to data.

How to convert a scalar to an array in Bash?

So, I needed to make a way to conditionally convert a scalar to an array, depending on whether the user’s sourced script is declared in the new way or the old way.

Can you turn a list into a single line in paste?

As cuonglm correctly notes, unless you paste an in file in -s erial, you’ll always wind up w/ the last ewline from your infile list being appended to the output as it is written. I was mistaken in the belief that paste -s behavior was its default mode – and this is a misconception which, apparently busybox paste was happy to reinforce.

How to convert a variable to an array?

Hi I have a line/string as follows: A=” 3498 NORDEA – INDX LINKED NORY” which was converted into an array of characters: p321$ echo “$ {ARR}” 3 4 9 8 N O R D E A – I N D X L I N K E D N O R Y When I am trying print this array there are blank… 8. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers

How to split a string into an array in Bash?

Method 2: Bash split string into array using read. We can use read -a where each input string is an indexed as an array variable. Execute the script. Now the myarray contains 3 elements so bash split string into array was successful.