How do I continue using terminal after opening a program?

How do I continue using terminal after opening a program?

There are different ways to run a terminal program and continue using the terminal:

  1. You can open another terminal tab (right-click, then select “Open New Tab”).
  2. You can append & to the command you run.
  3. You can type Ctrl – Z and then run bg .
  4. You can run nohup command & and then press enter.

How do I detach a process in Linux terminal?

9 Answers. You can press ctrl-z to interrupt the process and then run bg to make it run in the background. You can show a numbered list all processes backgrounded in this manner with jobs . Then you can run disown %1 (replace 1 with the process number output by jobs ) to detach the process from the terminal.

Is there a way to open an application in a terminal?

I just wonder whether there is any easy command/combination of commands to open an application (LibreOffice Writer, for example) via terminal, just like we use sudo apt-get install < > to install an application. You can just type the the name of the application you want to start.

How can I open an application from anywhere?

Open an application from anywhere. The open command normally requires you to input the full file path from your current directory. However, adding -a followed by the name of an application instructs Terminal to open that Application, no matter where it is located. For example: To open iTunes:

How to start an application from the command line?

You can just type the the name of the application you want to start. In your case it would be libreoffice or if you want to go to writer directly you can type libreoffice –writer If you do not want the application tied to a controlling terminal you can type the application name followed by & disown.

What does the start of the terminal say?

The start of your Terminal command line always displays the current directory you are located in. By default, this is your Home directory, named after your username. A relative file path begins with./ or with no special characters, and describes the file’s location in relation to your current directory.