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How do I list installed packages on pacman?
Listing packages
- List all explicitly installed packages: pacman -Qe .
- List all packages in the package group named group : pacman -Sg group.
- List all foreign packages (typically manually downloaded and installed or packages removed from the repositories): pacman -Qm .
How do I reinstall a package on pacman?
By manually extracting
- Determine the pacman dependencies to install.
- Download each package from a mirror of your choice.
- Extract each package to root.
- Reinstall these packages with pacman -S –overwrite to update the package database accordingly.
- Do a full system upgrade.
How do you check if a package is installed in Arch?
You should use Pacman, the package manager of Arch Linux. You want to use the -Q operation to query the installed local package database and the -i option to get information on the package.
How do I update my Pacman database?
Updating the Pacman Database
- The Pacman mirror configuration is in /etc/pacman.
- Run the following command to edit /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist file:
- Type in your password and press .
- All the mirrors are active by default.
How do I get rid of unneeded packages in Arch?
- Clean pkg cache. List packages. ls /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ | less. Remove all pkg except those installed sudo pacman -Sc. Remove all files sudo pacman -Scc.
- remove unused packages. List unused sudo pacman -Qtdq. Remove unused sudo pacman -R $(pacman -Qtdq)
- Clean home cache. cache is located in ~/.cache.
- Config Files.
How do I clean my arch?
Steps to Clean Arch Linux
- Clean package cache.
- Remove unused packages (orphans)
- Clean the cache in your /home directory.
- Remove old config files.
- Remove duplicates, empty files, empty directories and broken symlinks.
How does pacaur extend the functions of Pacman?
Pacaur wraps all pacman operations and by default extends respectively its sync, search, info, download only, system upgrade, upgrades check, clean and clean all functions to the AUR. This extension behavior is optional and can be disabled with the fallback variable in the config file.
How can I back up my Pacman database?
The following command can be used to back up the local pacman database: Store the backup pacman database file on one or more offline media, such as a USB stick, external hard drive, or CD-R. The database can be restored by moving the pacman_database.tar.bz2 file into the / directory and executing the following command:
How to find Pacman installed in Arch Linux?
List all foreign packages (typically manually downloaded and installed or packages removed from the repositories): pacman -Qm. List all native packages (installed from the sync database (s)): pacman -Qn. List all explicitly installed native packages (i.e. present in the sync database) that are not direct or optional dependencies: pacman -Qent.
What do you need to know about invoking pacaur?
Invoking pacaur consists of supplying an operation, any applicable options, and usually one or more targets. A target is usually a package name or a search string. Pacaur is targeted at advanced users who want some degree of automation for repetitive tasks.