How do I remove duplicates in bash history?

How do I remove duplicates in bash history?

HISTCONTROL can have the following values:

  1. ignorespace – lines beginning with a space will not be saved in history.
  2. ignoredups – lines matching the previous history entry will not be saved.
  3. ignoreboth – It is shorthand for “ignorespace” and “ignoredups” values.
  4. erasedups – eliminate duplicates across the whole history.

How do I delete terminal history?

The procedure to delete terminal command history are as follows on Ubuntu:

  1. Open the terminal application.
  2. Type the following command to to clear bash history completely: history -c.
  3. Another option to remove terminal history in Ubuntu: unset HISTFILE.
  4. Log out and login again to test changes.

What is Histtimeformat?

The value of the HISTSIZE variable is used as the number of commands to save in a history list. If the HISTTIMEFORMAT is set, the time stamp information associated with each history entry is written to the history file, marked with the history comment character.

How to create an unlimited history in zsh?

Unlimited history in zsh Ask Question Asked5 years, 3 months ago Active1 year, 5 months ago Viewed54k times 81 39 In zsh, I want to have unlimited history. I set HISTSIZE=, which works in bash. Now I import an old history mv old_history .history which is pretty big wc -l .history 43562 .history

How to prevent history from recording duplicate entries?

To prevent history from recording duplicated entries (such as ls -l entered many times during single shell session), you can set the hist_ignore_all_dups option: setopt hist_ignore_all_dups

How to set histsize to Long Max in zsh?

Or if you do not think you will ever hit a problem with resource exhaustion you can just set HISTSIZE to LONG_MAX from limits.h: it is the maximum number HISTSIZE can have. Which explain the Gentoo solution: export HISTSIZE=2000 export HISTFILE=”$HOME/.history”