How to delete files with spaces in their names?

How to delete files with spaces in their names?

The following command is required to copy or delete files with spaces in their name, for example: $ cp “my resume.doc” /secure/location/ $ rm “my resume.doc” The quotes also prevent the many special characters interpreted by your shell, for example: $ rm -v “>file” removed `>file’

How to replace spaces in file names using a bash script?

Can anyone recommend a safe solution to recursively replace spaces with underscores in file and directory names starting from a given root directory? For example: Use rename (aka prename) which is a Perl script which may be on your system already. Do it in two steps:

How to delete files with names in Bash?

Your default bash shell considers many of these special characters (also known as meta-characters) as commands. If you try to delete or move/copy such files you may end up with errors. In this example, I am trying to delete a file named ‘>file’:

How to change bash file path to another directory?

I’m using Bash on macOS X and I’d like to create a simple executable script file that would change to another directory when it’s run. However, the path to that directory has spaces in it. How the heck do you do this?

How to delete certain words from a file using shell script?

Hi I am having a problem in deleting a particular set of words from a file using Shell script. Here goes my problem,

How to remove all space characters in a string?

I work on shell script and I want to remove all space characters in a string. On another question I saw a sed command for replacing and tried to use it with sending null character in it:

How to remove all files beginning with the letter a?

UNIX administrators would generally not resort to find to (for example) “remove all files beginning with the letter A”… one would simply rm A*. Likewise to remove files containing spaces, rm can do the job. In other words, don’t be fooled because space is invisible and is treated specially by the shell.