How to start a shell script that starts tmux session?

How to start a shell script that starts tmux session?

If you want to keep your tmux session alive after starting some commands, a possible solution is to start a bash with an init file: tmux new -d -s mysession “bash –init-file foo.script” where foo.script would contain your commands. Alternatively, you can feed the command to the shell directly from the command line:

When to use tmux V2, local and remote?

It is about using and configuring tmux v2, local and remote tmux sessions usage, and how to support a scenario when a remote tmux session is going to be nested inside a local tmux session. Before you start reading, here is a working example from my machine. We have a local tmux session on OSX inside iTerm2 (run in full screen mode).

Is there a way to detach from a tmux session?

More likely the way to go is to detach from your current session first with tmux detach. If you’re writing a shell script that switches or attaches to a tmux session depending on whether you’re in tmux or not you can do that as follows.

What does it mean when tmux session should be nested with care?

If you try to start a new tmux session from within a tmux session you get the error message sessions should be nested with care, unset $TMUX to force. So what does this mean? It basically means that tmux doesn’t like it if you nest a tmux session in an already active tmux session.

How can I change my default shell to tmux?

A user’s default shell is defined in /etc/passwd. So you can become root and edit /etc/passwd, e.g. sudo vi /etc/passwd search for the line that begins with your username. It probably ends with :/bin/bash. Change /bin/bash to /usr/bin/tmux and now tmux is your default login shell.

Is the tmux a shell or multiplexer?

tmux is not a shell, it’s a terminal multiplexer like GNU screen. Interestingly, it does support the -c option according to the man page, so it may work like a shell just enough to use it as your login shell, but I suspect it won’t work properly in all situations, e.g. graphical logins via gdm/kdm.

Is there a way to stuff input into tmux?

You really want a way to stuff (that’s a technical term 🙂 once upon a time it was TIOCSTI for “terminal ioctl (): stuff input”) input for the shell into the window. With tmux, it looks like you use buffers for this.

How do I exit a session in tmux?

Ctrl + B, D # Exit the session. The new-session command (which creates a new tmux session) and the split-window command (which splits the current window into two panes) in tmux takes optional shell commands to run. The detach-client does the obvious at the end.

What are the commands to run in tmux?

The new-session command (which creates a new tmux session) and the split-window command (which splits the current window into two panes) in tmux takes optional shell commands to run. The detach-client does the obvious at the end.

How to run a command in tmux terminal?

It performs as follows : 1 It opens tmux and runs command 1 in the first panel 2 And then opens new vertical split panel and runs command 2 in it without waiting for command 1 to complete (i.e command… More

How to disconnect from a tmux session?

To disconnect from your session, but still leave it running, hit Ctrl+B and then D. To resume the session, I can run: $ tmux ls ### to see if there are any other tmux sessions $ tmux a ### this will connect to the most recent session that was created. If there are multiple sessions, then you can connect by the number of the session:

How to run new and split in tmux?

Without the sleep, the tmux window will disappear just after the echo ‘s are done. The ‘;’ delimits the two tmux commands new ( new-window) and split ( split-window ). This has to be protected from the shell by escaping or quoting. To split in the other orientation, use split -h.

How to spawn a shell instance in tmux?

In other contexts I might suggest using a small Expect program to spawn an instance of $SHELL, feed it the keystrokes, then use interact to tie the tty to the expect -spawned $SHELL. tmuxinator lets you specify this with a nice yaml file.

What does histfile do to the history of Bash?

Bash picks up the environment variable HISTFILE to read the history of previous commands and also to write any new commands. So, by setting a different file for each bash session, we can easily control how the command history is maintained. For all history files, I created a “.hists” directory in my home:

How do I save the history of my Bash session?

To save and restore the history of each bash session, we need to save the history of each session in a different file. Bash picks up the environment variable HISTFILE to read the history of previous commands and also to write any new commands.

Where do I find the history of Bash?

The last part essentially starts a bash session using the history from file “~/.hists/mysess_0”. If that file does not exist, bash automatically creates it. As I mentioned before, bash then uses that file for both reading the previous history and also for recording any future commands.

How can I get Started with tmux command prompt?

Below are the most basic steps for getting started with Tmux: On the command prompt, type tmux new -s my_session, Run the desired program. Use the key sequence Ctrl-b + d to detach from the session. Reattach to the Tmux session by typing tmux attach-session -t my_session.

How to create multiple tmux windows in one session?

Now you can start creating multiple Tmux windows in a single session, split windows by creating new panes, navigate between windows, detach and resume sessions, and personalize your Tmux instance using the .tmux.conf file. To learn more about Tmux type man tmux in your terminal or visit the Tmux User’s Manual page.

How to manage and restore tmux sessions in Linux-make..?

Once installed, we can start a session and save it with the following: Ctrl and b, then Ctrl + s To restore our session, we can use Ctrl and b , then Ctrl + r Using the above, you can maintain an immortal tmux session with all of your preferred tools and processes in place even after rebooting.