How can I Group values in Microsoft Excel?

How can I Group values in Microsoft Excel?

Group by combining text parts: The algorithm will try to combine text parts (such as combining Micro and soft into Microsoft) to group values. Transformation table (optional): You can select a transformation table that will map values (such as mapping MSFT to Microsoft) to group them together.

What’s the minimum number of values that can be grouped together?

The minimum setting of 0 will cause all values to be grouped together. The maximum setting of 1 will only allow values that match exactly to be grouped together. The default is 0.8. Ignore case: When comparing text strings, case will be ignored. This option is enabled by default.

How to set group name configuration optional claims?

Set group name configuration optional claims. If you want the groups in the token to contain the on premises AD group attributes, specify which token type optional claim should be applied to in the optional claims section. Multiple token types can be listed: Saml2Token for SAML tokens.

How to group by model in case statement?

Your query would work already – except that you are running into naming conflicts or just confusing the output column (the CASE expression) with source column result, which has different content. GROUP BY, attempt.type, attempt.result You need to GROUP BY your CASE expression instead of your source column:

Can a simple CASE expression have multiple values?

The question is specific to SQL Server, but I would like to extend Martin Smith’s answer. SQL:2003 standard allows to define multiple values for simple case expression: It is optional feature: Comma-separated predicates in simple CASE expression“ (F263).

What does else mean in SQL Server case statement?

The Else section means that we increase the count for “Old” by 1 if the value of the model is 2000 or less. The output of the script above looks like this: Since our dataset has five vehicles with a value for ‘model’ of greater than 2000, you can see a 5 in the count column for “New” vehicles.