How to use mysqldump to create a compressed file?

How to use mysqldump to create a compressed file?

First the mysqldump command is executed and the output generated is redirected using the pipe. The pipe is sending the standard output into the gzip command as standard input.

What is the syntax of the mysqldump command?

The mysqldump command also generates output in XML, CSV and other delimited text formats. The basic syntax of Mysqldump command is shown below: It specifies your MySQL username. It specifies your MySQL password. A name of the database that you want to backup. DBBACKUP.sql The name of the backup file you want to generate.

What do you do with mysqldump in snapshooter?

Generally, mysqldump is used to export the database to a backup file (like we do at SnapShooter) and also used to move the database to the other host. The mysqldump command also generates output in XML, CSV and other delimited text formats.

Which is the output of the gzip command?

Following the filename.gz, is the output redirection operator (>) which is going to continue redirecting the data until the last filename, which is where the data will be saved. For example, this command will dump the database and run it through gzip and the data will finally land in three.gz

How to use 7z to compress via pipe?

So one can compress single file into 7z format but cannot pipe it further. Other formats, like mentioned bz2, gz, xz can be written to stdout ( -so switch). Note -an switch that disables parsing of archive_name.

How to dump local MySQL db in Windows?

Making a dump of the local DB with mysqldump, compress the result, give it an incremental name and make it a cron task it’s a very easy task for me. But on Windows, I don’t have a clue.

How to properly create a compressed.sql file?

Don’t directly pipe | the result into gzip but first dump it as a .sql file, and then gzip it. So go for && gzip instead of | gzip if you have the free disk space. The dump itself will be double as fast but you will need a lot more free disk space. Your tables will be locked for less time so less downtime/slow-responding of your application.

How to restore sql file generated by mysqlump?

Run this command (if the mysql executable isn’t in your PATH, first go to the directory where the MySQL binary is installed, something like \\mysql\\bin ): or on some systems it might be necessary to add the -c flag to gunzip, like so (to force it to output to stdout): Now use database abc and import abc.sql Highly active question.

What’s the best way to dump a file?

The dump itself will be double as fast but you will need a lot more free disk space. Your tables will be locked for less time so less downtime/slow-responding of your application. The end result will be exactly the same. Another good tip is to use the option –single-transaction.