Which option of Copy command will preserve the file attributes while copying a file?

Which option of Copy command will preserve the file attributes while copying a file?

Available options

Option Description
-p, –preserve Copy the attributes for each file, as well.
-r Use recursion, creating files from non-directories.
-v, –verbose Display the operation’s execution step by step.
-h, –help Display help information for this command.

Which file attribute changes when you copy a file from other user account?

1 Answer

  • Always Changes. Inode – This maps the data to a physical location on disk, obviously to copy something you are creating a new file elsewhere, so the inode will be different.
  • Using cp -p.
  • Using cp.
  • Doesn’t Change.

Which of the following is not a file attribute?

Which one of the following is not attributes of file? Explanation: rename is not the attribute of file rest all are files attributes.

How to keep the existing file attributes when copying files or directories?

When copying files and especially directories, sometimes you want to keep the existing file attributes. For example, you may likely want to keep the same owner, group, timestamp, etc. You can keep the attributes by using the preserve argument. preserve=all will keep everything: ?

Which is the best way to copy a file?

When copying files and especially directories, sometimes you want to keep the existing file attributes. For example, you may likely want to keep the same owner, group, timestamp, etc. You can keep the attributes by using the preserve argument. preserve=all will keep everything:

How to maintain folder attributes ( date created / modified )?

The attributes of the files are based on the NTSF file system. The 2big NAS is a lynux based program and it will not maintain those attributes. It is a kernel problem that would require a major rewrite of the entire system. The solution is that you will need to have a Windows based NAS to keep the file attributes as they are.

How to add permissions when you copy and move files?

To add an object’s original permissions to inheritable permissions when you copy or move an object, use the Xcopy.exe utility with the -O and -X switches. To preserve existing permissions without adding inheritable permissions from the parent folder, use the Robocopy.exe utility, which is available in the Windows 2000 Resource Kit.