What is an LSB script?
LSB stands for Linux Standard Base. LSB was started by Linux Foundation to reduce the difference between several Linux distributions, and thereby reducing the cost involved in porting between different distributions. LSB-compliant init scripts need to: Provide at-least ‘start, stop, restart, force-reload, and status’
What is Systemd LSB?
systemd is a system and service manager for Linux. It is the default init system for Debian since DebianJessie. Systemd is compatible with SysV and LSB init scripts. It can work as a drop-in replacement for sysvinit.
What is an initialization script?
Your initialization script is a normal Praat script that is run as soon as you start Praat. On Unix or macOS, you create an initialization script by creating a file named “praat-startUp” in the folder /usr/local, or putting a file “.
Is the Debian init.d script LSB compliant?
This does not affect the Debian requirement to include LSB style dependency information in the init.d scripts used by non-systemd installations. A status page for dependency based boot sequencing is available. This is a short documentation about how to make an Init Script LSB (Linux Standard Base)-compliant based on the Chapter 20 of the LSB 3.1.
How to write lsbinitscripts in Debian wiki?
For example, if a service should run in runlevels 3, 4, and 5 only, specify “Default-Start: 3 4 5” and “Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6”. provide a brief description of the actions of the init script.
When did Debian discontinue support for LSB?
Note: Debian discontinued LSB support in 2015, see DebianLsb and for example Debian dropping the Linux Standard Base. This does not affect the Debian requirement to include LSB style dependency information in the init.d scripts used by non-systemd installations.
Do you need to depend on remote FS in LSB?
In some LSB run-time environments, filesystems such as /usr may be remote. If the script need a mounted /usr/, it needs to depend on $remote_fs. Scripts depending on $remote_fs do not need to depend on $local_fs. During shutdown, scripts that need to run before sendsigs kills all processes should depend on $remote_fs.