What is a Slurm task?

What is a Slurm task?

In the Slurm context, a task is to be understood as a process. So a multi-process program is made of several tasks. By contrast, a multithreaded program is composed of only one task, which uses several CPUs.

How do I cancel Sbatch?

To cancel a job, invoke scancel without –signal option. This will send first a SIGCONT to all steps to eventually wake them up followed by a SIGTERM, then wait the KillWait duration defined in the slurm. conf file and finally if they have not terminated send a SIGKILL.

What does it mean to run on a cluster?

A cluster is a group of inter-connected computers that work together to perform computationally intensive tasks. In a cluster, each computer is referred to as a “node”. Your jobs are automatically run on the compute nodes by the scheduling program “SLURM” — see: Introducing SLURM.

What is the difference between nodes and cores?

A node is a single computer in the system, which has a number of CPU cores. The number of cores on a node varies on hydra (12 for most, many with 20, a few with 8).

How many nodes can be used in a parallel job?

You may have up to 1000 nodes in a single job. This is the default limit for instances in an Amazon ECS cluster, which can be increased on request . Currently all node groups in a multi-node parallel job must use the same instance type.

How does AWS Batch multi node parallel jobs work?

AWS Batch multi-node parallel jobs use the Amazon ECS awsvpc network mode, which gives your multi-node parallel job containers the same networking properties as Amazon EC2 instances. Each multi-node parallel job container gets its own elastic network interface, a primary private IP address, and an internal DNS hostname.

How are tasks distributed in a concurrent pool?

When enabling concurrent tasks, it’s important to specify how you want the tasks to be distributed across the nodes in the pool. By using the CloudPool.TaskSchedulingPolicy property, you can specify that tasks should be assigned evenly across all nodes in the pool (“spreading”).

How to run tasks concurrently in batch compute?

This code snippet shows a request to create a pool that contains four nodes, with four task slots allowed per node. It specifies a task scheduling policy that will fill each node with tasks prior to assigning tasks to another node in the pool.