How can Apache access folders in my home directory?

How can Apache access folders in my home directory?

I have changed the configuration of Apache to point towards a folder in my home directory:

Which is the default DocumentRoot directory in Apache?

This is the directory from which Apache will read the contents that the visitor will access over browser. Or in other words, this is the directory that forms the tree of directories that will be accessible over web. The default DocumentRoot for Apache is: /var/www/html or /var/www/.

Where to find Apache document root in Linux?

The DocumentRoot is the top-level directory in the document tree visible from the web and this directive sets the directory in the configuration from which Apache2 or HTTPD looks for and serves web files from the requested URL to the document root.

Where does Fedora allow access to the localhost?

By default Fedora-packaged web applications are usually configured such that, access is allowed only from the localhost. This is defined by the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/webapp.conf which contains the following settings:

What to do if Windows denies access to a folder?

So if Windows denies your access to a certain file or folder, you get the permission of the file or folder in following steps. First of all, you need to check permissions on a file or a folder. Here we’ll show you a simple tutorial below. Step 1. Right-click on the folder and then hit “Properties”. Step 2. Select “Security” tab. Step 3.

Why do I not have access to a folder on my computer?

Method 1: Get the ownership of the file or folder. Sometimes, some of your account information might have changed when you’ve upgraded your Windows to the latest version. That’s why you lost your ownership of some folders and files and can’t access the folders or files.

Why do I not have ownership of a file?

The file is encrypted. You may not have ownership of a file or folder If you recently upgraded your computer to Windows 8 from an earlier version of Windows, some of your account information may have changed. Therefore, you may no longer have ownership of some files or folders.

When to use the directory directive in Apache?

Comment those directives and simply set DocumentRoot /var/www/html and chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html and restart httpd. The directive should be used to apply group of directives to a specific filesystem directory (i.e. changing permissions), so you usually want to use it in a .

What do I need to use Apache mod userdir module?

You need apache mod_userdir module and you can access to /home/user_name/public_html/* like this http://domain.local/~user_name/dir_name/ * for use a virtual hosts, to use the mod_userdir module you need create a sym link like this: Thanks for contributing an answer to Ask Ubuntu!

Why are there no subdirectories on my webserver?

Basically the problem is I cannot access any subdirectories on my webserver. Going to localhost brings up the index fine. But going to localhost/test gives a 403 Forbidden error.