How to compile Linux kernel to local version?

How to compile Linux kernel to local version?

Run this from your kernel source folder “cp /boot/config-`uname -r` .config”. This saves a lot of time, but you may want to change version number of the to be compiled kernel to avoid replacing your current kernel. “General setup” –> “Local version – append to kernel release”.

How do I compile the Linux kernel into a bootloader?

Go to boot. Run the following command. Remember to replace with the version number of the kernel you build. Point the boot loader at the new kernel. So it can be started. Use the tool that came with your distro to configure your bootloader.

Which is the kernel version before the-RCN suffix?

The -rc patches are not incremental, they apply to a base 4.x kernel, just like the 4.x.y patches described above. The kernel version before the -rcN suffix denotes the version of the kernel that this -rc kernel will eventually turn into.

How are patches generated in the Linux kernel?

Patches for the Linux kernel are generated relative to the parent directory holding the kernel source dir. This means that paths to files inside the patch file contain the name of the kernel source directories it was generated against (or some other directory names like “a/” and “b/”).

How do I make a Linux kernel config?

Now cd into the linux- directory. The kernel has a dazzling array of tools to help create your config. You can use standard make config to get a series of questions, or make menuconfig for an ncurses (text) interface to compile the kernel. Alternatively, you can use a GUI to walk through the menus, like make xconfig.

Can a netbook compile the Linux kernel?

If you’re compiling the kernel on an Atom-based netbook with 1GB of RAM, it’s probably not going to be very speedy — though probably still much faster than the Pentium 133MHz system I compiled my first kernel on. If you’re new to the whole “compiling a kernel” thing, I strongly recommend that you do not do this on a production machine.

What’s the best way to compile a kernel?

If your patches are compressed with gzip ( .gz) instead of bzip2 ( .bz2 ), then you patch your kernel as follows: You can also apply kernel prepatches to your kernel sources. For example, if you need a feature that is available only in kernel 2.6.19-rc6, but the full sources haven’t been released yet for this kernel.

How do I make the Linux kernel bootable?

Make the kernel bootable. Go to boot. Run the following command. Remember to replace with the version number of the kernel you build. Point the boot loader at the new kernel. So it can be started. Use the tool that came with your distro to configure your bootloader. Add a new entry for the new kernel. Reboot.

Can a prepatch be applied to a kernel source?

You can also apply kernel prepatches to your kernel sources. For example, if you need a feature that is available only in kernel 2.6.19-rc6, but the full sources haven’t been released yet for this kernel. Instead, a patch-2.6.19-rc6.bz2 is available.