What is basic authentication in Apache?

What is basic authentication in Apache?

The Apache web server allows for per-directory configuration through the use of . htaccess files. Users can password protect directories using the built-in Basic Authentication mechanism.

How do I enable basic authentication in Apache?

Navigate to ASG_HOME /modules/http_server/apache directory. Edit the mod_ASG. conf file. Note: This location change enforces user access with basic authentication.

What is the default Apache password?

The Windows installer for Apache Tomcat defaults to a blank password for the administrative user. If this is not changed during the install process, then by default a user is created with the name admin, roles admin and manager and a blank password.

What is my Apache Tomcat username and password?

In Tomcat 7, under TOMCAT_HOME/conf/tomcat_users. xml , see the tag to see password. Look in your conf/tomcat-users.

How to set up basic HTTP authentication in Apache?

For basic HTTP authentication to work, you will need a file to act as a database of usernames and their corresponding passwords. You can create this with the htpasswd utility, which should be installed with your Apache installation through the apache2-utils library.

What do I need to know about HTTP authentication?

Basic HTTP authentication protects certain resources or routes with a username and password. When a user attempts to access that resource, their browser pops up a dialog asking for credentials before sending anything over. The admin panels of most home routers are secured in this way.

How to add authentication directives to Apache server?

If you plan to use .htaccess files, you will need to have a server configuration that permits putting authentication directives in these files. This is done with the AllowOverride directive, which specifies which directives, if any, may be put in per-directory configuration files.

When to use authbasicprovider in Apache server?

The AuthBasicProvider is, in this case, optional, since file is the default value for this directive. You’ll need to use this directive if you are choosing a different source for authentication, such as mod_authn_dbm or mod_authn_dbd.