How do I select text with a mouse?

How do I select text with a mouse?

To highlight text using your mouse, position your cursor at the beginning of the text you want to highlight. Press and hold your primary mouse button (commonly the left button). While holding the mouse button, drag the cursor to the end of the text and let go of the mouse button.

How do I select text in Gvim?

Press v to begin character-based visual selection, or V to select whole lines, or Ctrl-v or Ctrl-q to select a block. Move the cursor to the end of the text to be cut/copied. While selecting text, you can perform searches and other advanced movement. Press d (delete) to cut, or y (yank) to copy.

How do I select text in Neovim?

In vim , text is selected by entering Visual mode. This can be done in multiple ways….1 Answer

  1. v (lower case v) begins regular Visual mode, and works similar to selecting text with a mouse.
  2. V (upper case v) begins linewise visual mode.
  3. Ctrl + v (lower case v) enters block visual mode.

How do I select a word in Vim?

Visual selection basics Press v to select a range of text, or V to select whole lines, or Ctrl-V (Ctrl-Q if you use Ctrl-V to paste) to select a block. After starting the selection, move the cursor with any normal-mode movement commands (such as j to move down, or w to move by a word, or / to search).

Can a mouse select text in MS Word?

Yes – that’s true. Let me explain When I left-click and drag my mouse over text in MS Word or in an e-mail message in Outlook Express, then the text is highlighted and ready to delete, copy, paste etc. In other words, everything works as it should in those situations.

How to use mouse cursor to highlight text?

1 Shift+click: Select from the current caret position to the mouse cursor location 2 Alt+double-click: Select from the beginning of a word to the mouse cursor location 3 Alt+click-and-drag: Select a rectangular block of text

Why is my anywhere MX mouse not selecting text?

The text is selected but the selection changes or disappears. – removed all drivers under Mouse in Device Manager and the Logitech SetPoint and Unifying Software; rebooted and reinstalled Unifying Software. – tried it on a different computer and with a different Anywhere MX mouse (I have two and neither works properly)

What do I do if my mouse is not working?

1. Open IE 2. Click on Tools 3. Click on Manage add-ons 4. When Manage add-ons window comes up, click on Currently loaded add-ons. 5. Click on all add-ons.