Which folder is taking up the most space Linux?

Which folder is taking up the most space Linux?

The procedure to find largest files including directories in Linux is as follows:

  • Open the terminal application.
  • Login as root user using the sudo -i command.
  • Type du -a /dir/ | sort -n -r | head -n 20.
  • du will estimate file space usage.
  • sort will sort out the output of du command.

What takes up most disk space?

For many computer users, most of the disk space used is by applications and games. If you find that you no longer use certain programs, you can uninstall and remove them from your hard drive. Again, Windows provides the ability to easily get rid of any unwanted programs that we may have on our computer.

Can we delete Installer folder in Windows?

The Windows Installer Cache, located in c:\windows\installer folder, is used to store important files for applications installed using the Windows Installer technology and should not be deleted.

How to find which directories are taking up the most space?

This will place the largest directories at the top of the list. A good way to narrow down the search is to limit the du command to only the top directories (max directory depth). This allows you to discover which top level directory is taking up the most space. Then you can change directory into it and do another run.

Which is taking up the most space on my hard disk?

When using Windows Explorer for viewing your files and directories on your Computer, one item missing from Explorer’s default view is which directories are taking up the most space on your hard disk.

How to find the top directories in Linux?

Find Top Directories Sizes in Linux. The above command will show the top directories, which are eating up more disk space. If you feel that some directories are not important, you can simply delete few sub-directories or delete the entire folder to free up some space.

How to find which folder is eating up free space?

To remedy this problem of finding which directory is eating up your free space, I like to use a tool called Directory Disk Usage. Directory Disk Usage, known as diruse is a free command line tool found on Microsoft’s Help and Support site. Using diruse is easy. After you have downloaded the tool, install by clicking on diruse_setup.exe.