Can I have multiple hosts in SSH config?

Can I have multiple hosts in SSH config?

You can’t actually add more than one hostname to the same host. Instead of doing it the way you did in the example, you could make each hostname correspond to a different host.

Where are SSH aliases?

If you want to make the aliases available for all users (system wide), add the above lines in /etc/ssh/ssh_config file. You can also add plenty of other things in the SSH config file. For example, if you have configured SSH Key-based authentication, mention the SSH keyfile location as below.

What is host name SSH?

HostName – The server host (domain or ipaddress) Port – The port to use when connecting. User – The username to log in with. IdentityFile – The SSH key identity to use to log in with, if using SSH key access.

Is there a way to create aliases for hosts?

Use Your SSH Config File to Create Aliases for Hosts. This trick is for Linux and SSH users who often log in to remote systems. Having to type the same info over and over again is mind-numbingly repetitive, but using an SSH config file makes the process much more convenient.

How can I add multiple hosts to my SSH server?

This works from your client regardless of what your server has configured. You can add multiple servers this way by adding another section with a difference Host section. And, if you want to create a set of default options, you can set the Host value to a single asterisk (*). Here’s a great example file:

When to use Bash aliases for SSH scripts?

This is handy for situations when creating a bash alias isn’t an option. It also makes it easier to keep track of all of your SSH-based options (from the client-side) in one consolidated place. If you plan to use this for scripts, you can also use

What should I put in my SSH config file?

Alternatively, you could put the contents and save it to that file, but it’s best to make sure to open it if it already exists. Here’s the basic format of what you need to put (or add to what you have). Replace “your_alias_name” with a short name for this connection. Something like “home,” “work,” or “asdf” should suffice.