Why are my images taking long to load?

Why are my images taking long to load?

High-resolution images can consume lots of bandwidth while loading. Uploading larger sized images and then scaling them down can unnecessarily increase the size of your web page – causing your website to load slowly. For example, JPEG images are much smaller in size compared to other image formats like PNG or GIF.

How do you make images load faster react?

Use lazy loading — allow your images to wait with download until user scrolls down to them, it can really shorten page initialization. Hold a position of element — so the page doesn’t jump while the images load. Use the “Blur-up” technique — show a very low-resolution image before the original loads.

What two changes make photos load faster?

  1. Resize Images Before Using Them.
  2. Compress Images To Save Even More Size.
  3. Use a CDN to Deliver Your Images and Other Content.
  4. Enable Browser Caching For Your Site.
  5. Make Sure You’re Using a Plugin for Page Caching, Too.
  6. Disable Hotlinking For Your Images.
  7. All Else Fails – Choose A Faster Host.

Why do images take so long to load on a website?

Fix it today! With images being among the most popular type of content on the web, page load time on websites can easily become an issue. Even when properly optimized, images can weigh quite a bit. This can have a negative impact on the time visitors have to wait before they can access content on your website.

When to use lazy loading in image loading?

When you want to improve your image loading process even further you might want to consider to lazy load your images. Lazy loading is a technique where images not direct in the viewport of a user are not loaded. Once the image gets near the border of the viewport the image is loaded.

How to reduce image loading on your website?

Well, the first thing we can do is to compress the background image by using various tools on the internet. This is an easy win and will reduce the load time to around ten seconds. This seems like a huge step but ten seconds is still way too much.

How long does it take for a background image to load?

As you can see the DOM is loaded in 1.14 seconds. So basically the user sees the content after 1.14 seconds. Pretty good for a 3G network. However, the background image takes 27.32 seconds to load where the user sees parts of the images loading in.