How do I sort a table in descending order in R?

How do I sort a table in descending order in R?

To sort a data frame in R, use the order( ) function. By default, sorting is ASCENDING. Prepend the sorting variable by a minus sign to indicate DESCENDING order.

How do I rearrange rows in R?

Arrange rows The dplyr function arrange() can be used to reorder (or sort) rows by one or more variables. Instead of using the function desc(), you can prepend the sorting variable by a minus sign to indicate descending order, as follow. If the data contain missing values, they will always come at the end.

Can you sort a list in R?

There is a function in R that you can use (called the sort function) to sort your data in either ascending or descending order. The variable by which sort you can be a numeric, string or factor variable. You also have some options on how missing values will be handled: they can be listed first, last or removed.

How to sort a table in ascending order?

Select Ascending or Descending order. 1 Choose whether data has headers or not. 2 Under Sort by, choose the name or column number to sort by. 3 Under Type, choose Text, Number, or a Date. 4 Select Ascending or Descending order.

How do you sort a table in Excel?

In the dialog box, choose how you’d like to sort the table. Select the Header row if the data has headers. Under Sort by, choose the name or column number to sort by. Under Type, choose Text, Number, or a Date. Select Ascending or Descending order. Repeat for up to three levels under Then by.

How to sort in a schedule table style?

Select the schedule table style that you want to change. If you want to… Then… click Add, select a property to sort by, and click OK. The Select Property dialog box lists all properties defined on the Columns tab but not already selected for sorting.

What happens if you do not use the stable option in sort?

If you do not use the STABLE option, the sort sequence is not preserved. If you sort a table several times by the same key, the sequence of the table entries will change in each sort. However, a stable sort takes longer than an unstable sort. Now, please check the lines of code below for further reference.