Do categories and tags help SEO?

Do categories and tags help SEO?

Your category and tag archives are essential for SEO. In fact, especially for eCommerce sites, they can be more important than individual pages and posts. Those archives should be the first result in the search engines; they’re landing pages. They should therefore also provide the best user experience.

Why We Should Use categories and tags in your website?

Categories and tags have much more significance when it comes to the content organization on your site, as well as SEO. Categories and tags are the two primary ways to group content on a WordPress site. In simple terms, categories are general labels, while tags are more specific (describe your posts in more detail).

What is the use of tags in WordPress?

Tags provide a useful way to group related posts together and to quickly tell readers what a post is about. Tags also make it easier for people to find your content. Tags are similar to categories, but they are generally used to describe your post in more detail. The use of tags is completely optional.

What’s the difference between a category and a tag?

In function, there’s only one real difference between categories and tags: categories can have structure (with as many levels of sub-categories as you want) while tags can’t. If you have a parent category and sub-categories, the parent category lists all of the content assigned to itself as well as all of the content in all of its sub-categories.

How are tags and categories used in WordPress?

Both of them can be applied to blog posts, but not pages in WordPress. And both of them create archive pages. That is: pages under which all the posts with a given category or tag are listed. Here’s an example of a category archive on this website. And here’s an example of a tag archive. This is relevant in two ways:

Where do I find the categories and tags on my blog?

You’ll find them on the right-hand side under the ‘Document’ settings. You can also go to Posts » Categories and Posts » Tags to add new categories and tags. For more about the process of adding categories and tags, check out our explanations of What is a category? and What is a tag? for help and guidance.

What’s the difference between a category and a post?

One of the biggest difference between tags and categories is that you MUST categorize your post. You are not required to add any tags. If you do not categorize your post, then it will be categorized under the “uncategorized” category. People often rename the uncategorized category to something like Other, ramblings etc.

Do categories and Tags help SEO?

Do categories and Tags help SEO?

Your category and tag archives are essential for SEO. In fact, especially for eCommerce sites, they can be more important than individual pages and posts. Those archives should be the first result in the search engines; they’re landing pages. They should therefore also provide the best user experience.

How do I make a clickable link in Squarespace?

To add a text link:

  1. Add a text block or click into a text box.
  2. Enter the text for your link.
  3. Highlight the text you want to link.
  4. Click the link icon in the text toolbar.
  5. In the link editor that appears, you can edit the highlighted text and add an external web address.
  6. Click Apply.

How to add categories and tags to pages in WordPress?

Practically speaking, Pages are also a Custom Post Type. So assigning a Taxonomy to a Page is quite simple. Here is the snippet. As you can see we linked Category and Post_Tag to Pages. Both Category and Post_tag are Default taxonomy which are by default linked to the Post.

Why are categories and tags important in blogging?

There are many benefits to creating and maintaining a well thought out category and tagging system when blogging. For one, the user experience can be vastly improved by well-constructed navigational elements. But secondly, categories and tags offer an opportunity to increase traffic to your site via search engines.

How to assign a taxonomy to a WordPress page?

WordPress allows you to assign taxonomy to any post_type. Practically speaking, Pages are also a Custom Post Type. So assigning a Taxonomy to a Page is quite simple. Here is the snippet. As you can see we linked Category and Post_Tag to Pages. Both Category and Post_tag are Default taxonomy which are by default linked to the Post.

Is there a limit to how many posts you can tag?

A post should typically be in no more than one or two categories, and tagging should be limited only to the most relevant topics covered in the post. Furthermore, if you find no obvious way in which you can tag a specific post, don’t tag it. Not every post needs tagging.