Where to place the search box?

Where to place the search box?

Put the search box where users expect to find it But many popular websites such as YouTube, Amazon, IMDB, BEST BUY place the search boxes towards the top center or top right of the page.

What is the use of search box?

A search box or search field is a common graphical user interface design element, one which allows the user to enter letters, words, and terms in a web search engine, database, website, archive, or list of options. As a result, users expect it to return content or options directly related to their input.

What is search box called?

Browse Encyclopedia. A. S. A rectangular field on screen that accepts typed-in text in order to look up something or launch a search. A search box is also called a “search bar” or “search field.” See search engine and query.

Where is the best place to put the search box?

The study found that the most convenient spot for users would be the top right or top left of every page on your site, where users could easily find it using the common F-shaped scanning pattern. Placing it somewhere unexpected means users need to put in extra effort to find the search box.

Where do you put the search box on YouTube?

The upper-right corner is still the first place users expect to find search. Thus, place a search box in the upper-right or upper-center area of your layout and you’ll be sure that your users will find it where they expect it to be. Content-heavy YouTube has its search in the upper-center.

Why is the search icon on the left of the page?

Among sites that had the search icon on the left, those that used a large, empty open-text field fared best with our users. Although people eventually found the search box, they shouldn’t have had to scour the page for it in the first place. Icon-only search increases the cost of interaction.

Which is the most important rule in search box design?

The most important rule in search box design is to make it easily noticeable. If search is an important function for your app/site, it should be displayed prominently, as it can be the fastest route to discovery.