How to create object array from key value pairs?

How to create object array from key value pairs?

From a service I receive a JSON object with key-value pairs, and I need to dynamically create objects from them, grouped by one column.

How to test if two hashes are equal in Ruby?

Following are the public hash methods (assuming hash is an array object) − Tests whether two hashes are equal, based on whether they have the same number of key-value pairs, and whether the key-value pairs match the corresponding pair in each hash. Using a key, references a value from hash. If the key is not found, returns a default value.

How to delete key value from hash in Ruby?

Deletes a key-value pair from hash for every pair the block evaluates to true. Iterates over hash, calling the block once for each key, passing the key-value as a two-element array. Iterates over hash, calling the block once for each key, passing key as a parameter.

What happens if key is not found in hash?

Using a key, references a value from hash. If the key is not found, returns a default value. Associates the value given by value with the key given by key. Removes all key-value pairs from hash.

How to convert an object to an array in JavaScript?

The task is to convert an Object {} to an Array [] of key-value pairs using JavaScript. Introduction: Objects, in JavaScript, is it’s most important data-type and forms the building blocks for modern JavaScript. These objects are quite different from JavaScript’s primitive data-types (Number, String, Boolean, null, undefined and symbol).

Can a group contain any number of key value pairs?

Each group can contain any number of key-value pairs. Currently I have a working solution for this, but I don’t know if it’s optimal:

When to use an object and an array?

Objects are more complex and each object may contain any combination of these primitive data-types as well as reference data-types, while the array is a single variable that is used to store different elements. It is often used when we want to store list of elements and access them by a single variable.