How do I get Facebook to say study instead of studied?

How do I get Facebook to say study instead of studied?

How to Put Your Studies in Your Facebook Profile

  1. Sign in to Facebook and click “Edit Profile” under your name in the left sidebar.
  2. Locate the “Work and Education” heading and scroll down until you clear your listed work history.

How do I make it say going to high school on Facebook?

To add a high school, follow these steps:

  1. Click in the High School field, where it says Where Did You Go to High School?
  2. Start typing the name of the high school you attended (or attend). Facebook tries to find a match while you type.
  3. Enter details of your school in the fields that appear.
  4. Click Add School.

How do I add university to my timeline on Facebook?

To add your university information to your Timeline:

  1. Click “Add a college” in your About section.
  2. Next to “School”, type in your university.
  3. Include any additional information.
  4. Click “Save Changes”

How do I change studied on Facebook?

How to Edit Your Education & Work Profile on Facebook

  1. Click “Edit My Profile” on your Facebook homepage’s top left corner next to your profile photo.
  2. Select “Education And Work” from the categories list on the left side.
  3. Type the name of your school into the College/University or High School fields as desired.

Can you update your job on Facebook without everyone knowing?

When you add a workplace to your Facebook profile, you can first add it with the “Only Me” privacy setting. This will allow the post to be seen only by you. You can later change the privacy to “Friends” or “Public”.

How do you say you left a school on Facebook?

Use the website’s profile tools to change your education and work info.

  1. Click “Edit My Profile” on your Facebook homepage’s top left corner next to your profile photo.
  2. Select “Education And Work” from the categories list on the left side.

How do you add a certificate on Facebook?

You can add your skills by clicking the ‘about’ tab at the top of your profile page. The first option is ‘Work and Education’ and you’ll see an ‘edit’ button to the right. Click that and right at the bottom of that section, you will now have the option to add your professional skills.

How do you graduate on Facebook?

How to Add a Graduate School to Your Facebook Profile

  1. Visit the Facebook website and log in to your Facebook account.
  2. Click your name at the top of the screen to view your Timeline.
  3. Click the “Update Info” button located at the bottom of your cover photo.
  4. Click the “Edit” button in the “Work and Education” category.

Can you update your Facebook profile photo without anyone knowing?

To change your profile picture on Facebook without notifying other people, here’s what you should do: Click on the profile picture and choose “Select profile picture or video.” Choose the new profile picture. Uncheck the box next to “Share your update to News Feed.”

Do employers get notified on Facebook?

If you’re posting Facebook content with the privacy setting set to public, anyone can see it including any of your employers. Public content is visible whether someone is friends with you or not.

How to enter your education information into Facebook?

Facebook tries to find a match while you type. When that match is highlighted, or when you finish typing, press Enter. Enter details of your school in the fields that appear. Time Period: Click the blue text Add Year to show when you started and finished your degree. Description: Add details about your time at school that you think may be relevant.

How can I add more jobs to my Facebook page?

Either add more jobs or click Done Editing in the upper-right corner. You can change any of the information about this job (or others) in the future by clicking the Edit link next to it. If you’re interested in using Facebook for professional networking, you can also add specific projects to your work history.

What should I put on my Facebook page?

When you got started on Facebook, you were asked to enter your education and work history. If you didn’t do that or want to add a more complete online resume, you can add more schools and employers on this page. Remember that this sort of information can really help old friends find you for reunions, recommendations, or reminiscing.

How do I enter my college name on Facebook?

Start typing the name of the college you attended (or attend). Facebook tries to find a match while you type. When that match is highlighted, or when you finish typing, press Enter. Enter details of your school in the fields that appear.