How do I secure my GraphQL API?

How do I secure my GraphQL API?

To properly secure a GraphQL API, servers must timeout, limit depth and limit complexity of queries to mitigate Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. Servers should always whitelist queries whenever applicable. Servers must also throttle all clients and keep track of query costs.

Can I use GraphQL with REST API?

GraphQL can retrieve data on top of or instead of the API management layer, but data can still be submitted through the existing REST APIs.

How do I add authentication to GraphQL?

First, we’ll create a rule that checks if a user is authenticated and then apply that rule to the viewer query: const { rule, shield } = require(“graphql-shield”); const isAuthenticated = rule()((parent, args, { user }) => { return user !==

Is GraphQL a security risk?

Threat: Large, deeply nested queries that are expensive to compute. The power that GraphQL provides comes with some new security threats. The most common is deeply nested queries that result in expensive computations and large JSON payloads that can disrupt your network quality, or take it down altogether.

How do you protect a GraphQL?

Reducing your GraphQL API attack surface area

  1. Mitigate malicious queries. Limit query depth.
  2. Limit API discoverability. This next section is about security by obscurity — a way to reduce the attack surface by making it harder for malicious parties to discover API capabilities.
  3. Batch requests. Limit query breadth.

How is GraphQL different from rest?

GraphQL architecture is client-driven and Rest is server-driven. GraphQL data fetching specific data with a single API call and Rest fixed data with multiple API calls. GraphQL community is growing and Rest are Large. GraphQL performance is fast and Rest are multiple network calls take up more time.

Is GraphQL faster than REST?

GraphQL queries themselves are not faster than REST queries, but because you can pick the fields you want to query, GraphQL requests will always be smaller and more efficient. GraphQL also enables developers to retrieve multiple entities in one request, further adding to each query’s efficiency.

How do you pass GraphQL query in REST API?

Let’s go through each of these steps, using the REST API from before as an example.

  1. Step 1: Analyze the data model of the REST API. The first thing you need to understand is the shape of the data that’s returned by the different REST endpoints.
  2. Step 2: Define GraphQL schema.
  3. Step 3: Implementing resolvers for the schema.

How do you handle authorization in GraphQL?

Using a resolver function We will be looking at two different methods with which we can handle authorization in GraphQL. This first method is to add the authorization logic directly inside the resolver function, which is pretty straightforward. We will be using this method to implement editing a post.

Is GraphQL a server?

A GraphQL server is a server-side implementation of the GraphQL spec. In other words, a GraphQL server exposes your data as a GraphQL API that your client applications can query for data. You could create a GraphQL server that will allow our React application to query the database indirectly through the GraphQL server.

Is GraphQL better than rest?

GraphQL can speed up development and automation in comparison to REST. GraphQL queries themselves are not faster than REST queries, but because you can pick the fields you want to query, GraphQL requests will always be smaller and more efficient.

How does authorization work in GraphQL REST API?

Authorization patterns in GraphQL are quite different than in a REST API. GraphQL is not opinionated about how authorization is implemented. To quote directly from, “Delegate authorization logic to the business logic layer.” It is up to the developer to handle authorization when using GraphQL.

Is there a way to secure the GraphQL API?

With GraphQL, this approach to security is ineffective. All API requests to GraphQL, regardless of their purpose and intended target, go to the same URLs (/graphql and /api/graphql) as shown in the image above. As a result, it is necessary to perform any filtering, access control, etc. at the HTTP request level rather than inspecting URLs.

How does the AUTH service work in GraphQL?

The auth-service uses JWT to generate a token that contains the id and roles of the authenticated user and that can be handed down to the client to stored in the Authorization header and be used in subsequent requests. For this example, the actual authentication logic is trivial, simply checking that the email and password values are not empty.

How is an authentication token generated in GraphQL?

Authentication patterns in GraphQL, however, are very similar to patterns used in REST APIs: a user provides login credentials, an authentication token is generated and provided by the client in each subsequent request. The implementation details for authorization and authentication in GraphQL can be a little tricky at first.