Why do you need a subdomain for a website?

Why do you need a subdomain for a website?

A subdomain enables you to divide your web content into more manageable sections. You can separate extensive portions of your site that warrant their own dedicated hierarchy or are completely different in scope. Subdomains can be used to create distinct web pages geared towards certain countries and regions.

How does using a subdomain impact SEO performance?

With a subdirectory structure though, your main domain benefits from any authority that your subdirectories acquire. The keywords of a subdirectory are ‘owned’ by your main domain, meaning they’re attached to your main URL. This helps build credibility, which is important for SEO performance.

How is a subdomain different from a subfolder?

That ordering is critical to distinguishing a subdomain from a subfolder. Unlike a subdomain, a subfolder branches off from the top-level domain in the site hierarchy.

Which is a good candidate for subdomain status?

Given how extensive Google’s support page is, it’s a perfect candidate for subdomain status: There are a dozen apps to cover, each with unique troubleshooting articles and user guides.

Subdomains are a great way to separate areas of your site with very different functionalities. Subdomains enable you to set up multiple websites using a single domain. Take a look at our client area for example – you’ll notice its URL is my.a2hosting.com.

Can a website have more than one domain?

One of the old practices that used to be effective but should be abandoned now is pointing multiple domains to one website. Do not use more than one domain for a website.

Which is better, multisite subdomains or subdirectories?

The benefits being that /car can have it’s own unique theme activated and configured and look like a completely separate site, perfect if you have multiple brands under one parent company but want each site to have its own style. You wouldn’t want to go with subdirectories, though, if you were, say, hosting sites for a client.

When do you use sub domains for SEO?

You wouldn’t want their website affecting your SEO in which case using Sub Domains is a perfect option! An anonymous blogging network where everyone gets their own subdomain and is treated as entirely independent sites. Development/sandbox installs for clients and testing new developments.