How do I change the default URL in Google Analytics?

How do I change the default URL in Google Analytics?

How to change your domain in Google Analytics

  1. Click on the ‘Admin’ label in the main menu.
  2. In the middle column, click ‘Property Settings’
  3. Change the Property Name and the Default URL.
  4. Then scroll down, hit save, and you’re done!

Where is view settings in Google Analytics?

To edit view settings:

  • Sign in to Google Analytics.
  • Click Admin, and navigate to the view in which you want to change settings.
  • In the VIEW column, click View Settings.
  • General Information: View Name: The name that appears in the list of views.
  • Site Search: Read Set up Site Search.
  • Click Save to save the changes.

Where do I find subdomain in Google Analytics?

All we have to do now is go to the Google Analytics account and check the Real-Time reports option and click on the “Overview”. Open up an incognito window in your browser and enter a page with the subdomain. If everything is correct, you will see an active user on your subdomain, that shows up under the main settings.

What does url mean in Google Analytics property settings?

Website’s URL: The domain name of website you’re tracking, e.g. This information is used by the Content reports, including In-Page Analytics. “Used in the reports” confirms that it is not used in collection.

How to correctly track subdomains in Google Chrome?

A search for “subdomains” points you to documentation for cross-domain tracking, and cookie domains. The former makes no mention of sessions or subdomains. The latter describes tracking users across subdomains, but makes no mention of connecting sessions across subdomains. It also highlights the following quote:

Where do I find admin settings in Google Analytics?

First, we need to go to the “Admin” settings of your Website account (gear icon in the bottom left of your screen). Every time you try to add/edit functionality of your Google Analytics account, do so under a new view. That way if you make any mistakes, it doesn’t affect your main data.