How to use mod _ rewrite in Apache HTTP?

How to use mod _ rewrite in Apache HTTP?

We force a HTTP redirect to the new URL which leads to a change of the browsers and thus the users view: In this example, as contrasted to the internal example above, we can simply use the Redirect directive. mod_rewrite was used in that earlier example in order to hide the redirect from the client:

What do you need to rewrite a URL in Apache?

RewriteRule specifies the directive. pattern is a regular expression that matches the desired string from the URL, which is what the viewer types in the browser. substitution is the path to the actual URL, i.e. the path of the file Apache servers. flags are optional parameters that can modify how the rule works.

When to use QSA flags in Apache rewrite?

The [QSA] flags are commonly used in rewrite rules. They tell Apache to append any additional query string to the served URL, so if the visitor types page=2 the server will respond with results.php?item=shirt&season=summer &page=2. Without it, the additional query string would get discarded.

How does the rewritecond Directive work in Apache?

This ruleset relies on HostNameLookups being set on, which can be a significant performance hit. The RewriteCond directive captures the last portion of the hostname of the requesting client – the country code – and the following RewriteRule uses that value to look up the appropriate mirror host in the map file.

When to redirect and rewrite in Apache?

If you have in fact changed your document root – that is, if all of your content is in fact in that subdirectory, it is greatly preferable to simply change your DocumentRoot directive, or move all of the content up one directory, rather than rewriting URLs.

How to rewrite a.php file in Apache?

If using .htaccess to re-write ensure that the apache2.conf at least has these options enabled. Finally on some Apache install you may need to also set AllowOveride All in a .conf file in /etc/apache2/sites-available or /etc/apache2/sites-enabled.

How can we rewrite a static page foo.html?

How can we transform a static page foo.html into a dynamic variant foo.cgi in a seamless way, i.e. without notice by the browser/user. We just rewrite the URL to the CGI-script and force the handler to be cgi-script so that it is executed as a CGI program.