Are XML sitemaps important for SEO?

Are XML sitemaps important for SEO?

XML Sitemaps are important for SEO because they make it easier for Google to find your site’s pages—this is important because Google ranks web PAGES not just websites. There is no downside of having an XML Sitemap and having one can improve your SEO, so we highly recommend them.

How do I edit an XML sitemap?

The XML sitemap feature

  1. Log in to your WordPress website. When you’re logged in, you will be in your ‘Dashboard’.
  2. Click on ‘SEO’ On the left-hand side, you will see a menu.
  3. Click on ‘General’.
  4. Click on the ‘Features’ tab.
  5. Toggle the ‘XML Sitemaps’ switch.
  6. Click ‘Save Changes’

How to fix the missing XML sitemap?

I then deleted my old site map generated by (Google XML Sitemaps) and removed the file from Google Webmaster Tools, ready to replace it with the new site map generated by the WordPress SEO plugin. The old file was sitemap.xml and the new sitemap file generated by Yoast SEO was sitemap_index.xml.

When is an XML sitemap useful for SEO?

Here’s where the XML sitemap is really useful to SEOs: when you’re submitting a bunch of pages to Google for indexing, and only some of them are actually getting indexed. Google Search Console won’t tell you which pages they’re indexing, only an overall number indexed in each XML sitemap.

What happens if you change your sitemap on Google?

XML sitemaps are a service that Google offers to SEO professionals. They aren’t required, and sites don’t rank any better/worse as a result of using them or not using them. Therefore, if you change pages on your site or add pages, Google will find them eventually.

How can I Check my HTML sitemap for SEO?

Check the page views of your HTML sitemap in Google Analytics. Chances are, it’s very low. If not, it’s a good indication that you need to improve your website navigation. HTML sitemaps are generally linked in website footers. Taking link equity from every single page of your website.