How to learn object oriented programming in JavaScript?

How to learn object oriented programming in JavaScript?

To understand the basic theory behind object-oriented programming, how this relates to JavaScript (“everything is an object”), and how to create constructors and object instances. To start with, let’s give you a simplistic, high-level view of what Object-oriented programming (OOP) is.

Which is the best model of OOP in JavaScript?

The most popular model of OOP is class-based. But as I mentioned, JavaScript isn’t a classed-based langauge – it’s is a prototype-based langauge. According to Mozilla’s documentaion: A prototype-based language has the notion of a prototypical object, an object used as a template from which to get the initial properties for a new object.

When was the object oriented inheritance introduced in JavaScript?

JavaScript classes, introduced in ECMAScript 2015, are primarily syntactical sugar over JavaScript’s existing prototype-based inheritance. The class syntax is not introducing a new object-oriented inheritance model to JavaScript. JavaScript classes provide a much simpler and clearer syntax to create objects and deal with inheritance.

Which is an example of object oriented programming?

For example “car” is a real life Object, which have some characteristics like color, type, model, horsepower and performs certain action like drive. The characteristics of an Object are called as Property, in Object Oriented Programming and the actions are called methods. An Object is an instance of a class.

How is dragging used in object oriented programming in JavaScript?

Here we are using this simple dragging example as a context for discussing object-oriented programming in JavaScript. If you are coming from a different coding experience, then the construction of a JavaScript class will look a lot different from, say, an ActionScript class.

What do you call an object in JavaScript?

The characteristics of an Object are called as Property, in Object Oriented Programming and the actions are called methods. An Object is an instance of a class. Objects are everywhere in JavaScript almost every element is an Object whether it is a function,arrays and string.

How are OOP functions used in JavaScript?

In the rest of the article, we’ll start to look at how OOP theory can be put into practice in JavaScript. JavaScript uses special functions called constructor functions to define and initialize objects and their features.

How is prototype based OOP used in JavaScript?

The prototype-based OOP system, however, didn’t look anything like Java’s classes. To make this prototype-based system look like a class-based system, JavaScript’s designers came up with the keyword new and a novel way to use constructor functions.

What do you need to know about OOP?

In OOP, objects have fields to store knowledge/state/data and can do various works — methods. It’s the instance of a class/ it’s the working entity of a class. It is a template or blue print about the capability of what an object can do. The behaviours of a class. It tells what a method can do.