Can you create content in Moodle?

Can you create content in Moodle?

The content page is a building block for creating a lesson in Moodle. It may contain text, pictures, audio, or video. Click Add a content page to create one, then enter a page title and its content. Each Content is a button that forwards a learner to another slide of the lesson.

How do I change my homepage in Moodle?

Editing Front page Settings in Moodle

  1. Log into the Moodle Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Front page settings > Edit settings in the Settings section on the left.
  3. The Front page settings section will display with the options for editing the Front page.

What is a Moodle page?

Moodle is a free and open-source learning management system (LMS) written in PHP and distributed under the GNU General Public License. With customizable management features, it is used to create private websites with online courses for educators and trainers to achieve learning goals.

What is a content page in Moodle?

A Lesson module content page is a page where a teacher can provide information to move the lesson forward but without requiring the student to answer specific questions. The student sees the page’s title, some information and then one or more buttons at the bottom to select.

How do I publish from Moodle to the Internet?

Publishing a course for download

  1. Go to Administration > Course administration > Publish (only available to users with the capability moodle/course:publish)
  2. Click the button ‘Share this course for people to download’
  3. Select the hub where you want to share your course.
  4. Enter information about the course.

What are the two most important page types in Moodle lesson?

There are two basic types of Lesson pages: Choice and Navigation. Most pages offer the student choices, “question pages” (related to Quizzes) are the most common. Moodle calls another type of choice page a “Content page”.

What is course home page?

If you are enrolled in a course as an instructor, the Course Home Page is the first page students see when they open the course. The Home Page also helps students understand how they can navigate through the course. You can customize the Home Page to create a specific workflow for your students.

How do I use Moodle platform?

Step-by-step instructions to use Moodle

  1. Step 1 – learn about the Moodle experience.
  2. Step 2 – install Moodle.
  3. Step 3 – configure your site.
  4. Step 4 – create the framework for your learning site.
  5. Step 5 – make decisions about common settings.
  6. Step 6 – add basic course material.
  7. Step 7 – make your courses interactive.

How to create new page ( custom ) in Moodle?

Re: how to create new page(custom) in moodle. Check the code of your page, there must be a loggedin check somewhere in your code, or in the link to the custom page. Get rid of it. Re: how to create new page(custom) in moodle. Remember to add a lib.php file in your directory, otherwise the content won’t load up.

What do you need to create a theme in Moodle?

A theme is what defines the way the Moodle engine displays all of your Moodle powered pages. Themes are easy to create and allow you to personalize Moodle for your class, school, or school district. Themes consist of a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file and a few images.

How to make your website look better with Moodle?

The ‘Header’ is the first thing your users will see when they land on your website. Now, here you can introduce ‘Sliders’ with content to describe your website. You can add an image, change the color of the text, and add a button to important pages on your site. This is how it will look after editing the ‘Slider section’:

How does the page display work in Moodle?

The overall display is ruled by themes and CSS Files in it. Anything else would require more work, e.g. displaying the course-page not as long long vertical page, but in shorter pages that fit into a screen and scrollable like the pages of a book. WHAT PAGE??