How do I change Gutenberg to classic editor?

How do I change Gutenberg to classic editor?

Switch Between Gutenberg & Classic Editor

  1. Head over to Settings > Writing, and look for “Classic editor settings.”
  2. Check the box that says “Do not replace the editor.”
  3. Save Changes.

Can you disable Gutenberg?

Upon activation, you need to visit Settings » Disable Gutenberg page to configure plugin settings. By default, the plugin will disable Gutenberg everywhere for all users on your website. However, if you want to limit it to certain user roles and post types, then you need to uncheck the ‘Complete Disable’ option.

How do I turn off Gutenberg?

Once you have installed the Classic editor you need to disable Gutenberg editor on the setting page. Go to Settings > Writing and checkmark on either of the options under Classic editor setting menu. Finally save all changes and you are done.

How do I revert to classic editor?

After clicking the three dots at the top right in the Editor, at the bottom of the menu that opens you should see the Switch to Classic Editor. Clicking that should bring you back to the Classic Editor in the New Dashboard.

Is it possible to disable Gutenberg in block editor?

To do this, set the “Complete Disable” option to enabled. Then visit the “Whitelist” settings to specify which posts always should open in the Block Editor. Do not use Disable Gutenberg with other plugins (like the Classic Editor plugin) that also disable or replace Gutenberg.

How to switch from Gutenberg to classic editor?

Switch Between Gutenberg & Classic Editor If you want to be able to use both editing methods, perhaps during a transitional time where you’re still learning Gutenberg, this is a great option. Head over to Settings > Writing, and look for “Classic editor settings.” Check the box that says “Do not replace the editor.”

When to switch to Gutenberg in WordPress 5.0?

When upgrading to 5.0, Gutenberg will be the default way of editing content. All of the existing content within the main content area will be converting to a Gutenberg Classic Block. When you’re ready to turn your classic block into the appropriate Gutenberg blocks, you can do so with the three-dot menu.

What happens when Gutenberg plugin is not installed?

When Gutenberg is active, the plugin disables it (depending on your selected options) and replaces with the Classic Editor. Otherwise, if Gutenberg is not active, the plugin does nothing. So it’s totally fine to install before Gutenberg is added to WP core, so it will be ready when the time comes.