Is there a search function in WordPress?

Is there a search function in WordPress?

WordPress comes with a built-in search feature, which is quite limited and not very good in finding the relevant content. If you are making a new WordPress website or blog, then you may not need a better search feature right away.

How do I search WordPress contents admin?


  1. Visit Plugins > Add New.
  2. Search for “Admin Search”
  3. Activate Admin Search from your Plugins page.
  4. Go to Settings > Admin Search and choose what to search on your WordPress website.

What is jetpack search?

Jetpack Search is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress. It is a paid upgrade to the Jetpack plugin that provides higher quality results and an improved search experience. Our advanced search solution is backed by Elasticsearch, Jetpack Stats, and our globally distributed data centers.

How to improve the WordPress search?

How to improve WordPress search Sort by relevance. In older versions of WordPress, search results were sorted by date and not much else. Improving the interface. Excerpts in search results by WordPress are not exactly great. Tracking searches. Alternatives. Yes, you can improve WordPress search.

How to disable WordPress search from WordPress site?

From your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New and search for Disable Search plugin. Install and activate the Disable Search plugin from WordPress plugin repository. Once activated, the plugin should disable the built-in front-end search capabilities of your WordPress blog.

Is searchwp the best WordPress search plugin?

SearchWP. SearchWP is probably the best WordPress search plugin out there.

  • Relevanssi – A Better Search. Relevanssi is a free WordPress search plugin that offers many features that improve the default WordPress search.
  • Filter Plugin.
  • Better Search.
  • Ajax Search Lite.
  • Advanced Woo Search.
  • Cherry Search.
  • Ivory Search.
  • What does WordPress search, search?

    The core version of WordPress only allows users to search within the title and content of your post types. In contrast, SearchWP lets users search custom fields, custom databases, text documents, product details, shortcodes, taxonomies and more.